What Happens When You Don’t Backup Your Articles on Medium?

Read or Die!
Published in
2 min readMar 18, 2024
Photo by Emily Morter on Unsplash

Imagine settling into your chair, ready to access your Medium account, only to be met with a chilling message informing you that your account has been banned.

A shiver races down your spine as you realize all the hard work you have poured into this platform: daily articles, insightful reads, and lively discussions with the community.

You don’t even know the reason for the ban. While following Medium’s guidelines helps prevent bans, recent events show it can happen to anyone.

So, why am I writing this? As I have mentioned in my previous article, Medium is about more than just writing; it’s about fostering a community by reading and engaging with others.

Recently, I came across stories of genuine, active members losing access to their accounts with large followings.

Now, their substantial following seems to have vanished.

Did they not follow the rules? Perhaps.

Or maybe they did, and there was nothing wrong with their content.

This uncertainty underlines the importance of our title: what happens when you don’t back up your articles on Medium?

Remember, in the digital landscape, it’s crucial to diversify your digital footprint.

Don’t rely solely on one platform. Back up your work regularly to ensure your efforts don’t disappear into the void.

Don’t wait for disaster to strike. Back up your data today and prevent a digital nightmare.

Why Back Up Your Work on Medium?

Having a backup of your Medium articles goes beyond just being a good idea.

It’s essential for safeguarding your work and giving you more control over your content.

Here’s how backups empower you:

  1. Safeguards Your Work: Backups serve as a safety net, preventing all your hard work from vanishing due to unexpected account issues, accidental deletion, or even a platform shutdown.
  2. Versatility for the Future: Backups give you the freedom to reclaim and republish your work elsewhere if you choose to move to a different platform. You won’t have to start from scratch.
  3. Publish with Confidence: Knowing your work is safeguarded allows you to publish on Medium with greater peace of mind.
  4. Future Inspiration: Backups ensure your articles are readily available for future reference or even repurposing into new content.

I wonder how many of the writers on Medium have a backup of their work?

Do you think it's important to have a backup?

Do you have a backup?

If no, are you going to back up your work after reading this article? Let me know in the comments.



Read or Die!

Quiet heart with a writer's soul. Weaving real-life experiences into words, finding connection through listening, reading, and writing.