What If There Is A Cheat Code For Medium Writing…

Would You Use It?

Read or Die!


When A Thousand Ideas Flow Through The Hyaena Brain ...Image Create by AI Tool CoPilot

I just got off a grueling 2 week schedule. There’s the 9–5, Medium stuff, picking-daughter-from-school and then dinner…followed shortly with a revision session.

Then…while she goes off to bed, I continue with the editing and cleaning up of the article before submitting it to the pub.

Hit Publish and then go lay down. It wasn’t pretty, for we had to cover the grounds the school teacher had missed, and lets face it…anything done last minute just doesn’t feel good.

The silver lining in this, however, is a little realization that struck me.

So there we were, the Kub and I, hunched over the molehill of Maths workbook. The syllabus has evolved so much over time, and I’m surprised at the topics they have to do now at Secondary One.

I was lamenting to hyaenaMum about how difficult the workings were for their beginner’s level when she asked me to look at the answer provided at the back.

I gestured my hand wildly at her suggestion…what? Why do I need to consult the answers for? I knew the steps to the answers.

‘Yeah…but you were complaining about what hard they were… maybe there’s meant to be an easier method?’



Read or Die!

Part Hyaena, Part dad and 100% insane. Writing about Introverts (that's me), Lessons in Love & Life, Adventures with the HyaenaKub and Glorious Glorious Food!