What Is W.W.A.S.P. And Why It Needs To Be Shut Down

The Light Shed On W.W.A.S.P. And It’s Ongoing Damages To Individuals

Cam Roze
Read or Die!
Published in
5 min readMar 21, 2024


There are some things in this world that simply shouldn’t be. With the release of the Netflix series called “The Program: Cons, Cults And Kidnappings” many people around the world are realizing the damage of one of the worst global organizations known to mankind — which the Founder remains without a punishment. With myself being an audience to the series, overnight, I decided to take this action of writing an article to help paid their exposure to such an evil formed entity. With its known reputation for traumatic experiences for the adolescents sent into these horrifying programs — oftentimes, hypnotically convincing parents of these youth to be a part of “The Program” through seminars and gaslighting the parents. Often the parents are led to believe this is their only option of redeeming their children to be model citizens, even if their youngsters are not misbehaving in any form.

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Photo by Sydney Sims on Unsplash

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