What You are Seeking is Seeking You

Dr. Shalini Garg
Read or Die!
Published in
3 min readJan 5, 2024
Image Source: Copilot by AI

Have you ever felt like there’s something out there meant just for you, waiting to be found?

Have you ever heard the phrase, “What you are seeking is seeking you”?

It’s like a cosmic dance where our intentions, desires, and energies align with the universe to bring back similar vibrations into our life.

Let’s dive into this concept by exploring the nature of seeking and how it intertwines with the law of attraction.

From the moment we enter this world to our final days, we’re on a continuous quest, whether we consciously realize it or not.

In the early stages of life, our seeking is basic – comfort, nourishment, and safety. As we grow, our pursuits evolve. We chase after success, love, and happiness, believing they hold the key to fulfillment. However, no matter what we achieve, an unexplainable yearning persists.

This cycle of seeking persists across lifetimes, shaping our desires, ambitions, and actions. It’s not merely about attaining physical or emotional pleasures or meeting societal standards, rather under these desires lies a deeper truth – the inevitable truth of our mortality.

We tend to seek ourselves outside avoiding introspection seeking comfort in temporary pleasures, only to find that they lead to more suffering.

This external chase for temporary happiness, however, blinds us to a deeper truth. Our true contentment and everlasting joy lie within, waiting to be discovered. It’s about comprehending the fleeting nature of our reality and realizing that lasting happiness cannot be found solely through external pursuits.

The paradox is that true joy isn’t found in the external world but in the depths of self-awareness. It’s the pursuit of understanding the impermanence of our existence and finding everlasting bliss within this realization.

The pursuit isn’t about abandoning aspirations but aligning them with our inner truth. It’s about recognizing that what we are seeking might already be seeking us in return. By delving within, exploring our inner landscape, and harmonizing our energies, we might just discover that the universe conspires to fulfill our genuine desires.

Legendary figures throughout history have grappled with similar struggles.

Take, for instance, the story of Siddhartha Gautama, who sought answers to the universal human experience of suffering. His quest led to enlightenment, where he realized that true happiness doesn’t stem from external achievements or worldly pursuits but from understanding the transient nature of existence and finding inner peace.

Leonardo da Vinci, pursuit of knowledge wasn’t merely about acquiring facts; it was a quest to understand the essence of life itself. Similarly, Gandhi’s pursuit wasn’t merely political; it was an unwavering search for truth and justice, reflecting his inner convictions. Mother Teresa sought fulfillment not in worldly possessions but in serving others and living in alignment with their values.

Do you know Nikola Tesla, the brilliant inventor whose relentless pursuit of knowledge and innovation attracted opportunities and breakthroughs seemingly drawn to his passionate energy for discovery. His magnetic focus on his vision and his unwavering belief in its realization brought forth astounding advancements in technology.

These stories reflect the principle that our energy, desires, and focused intent create a resonance that attracts similar energies and opportunities into our lives. It’s about aligning our thoughts and actions with our aspirations, essentially tuning ourselves to the frequency of our dreams.

In essence, understanding what we seek and aligning our energies with it is key. It’s about transcending the external distractions, looking within, and acknowledging that the universe responds to our energies.

So, let’s set our intentions, cultivate the right energies, and witness the universe conspire to bring forth what we truly seek, fulfilling our aspirations in unimaginable ways.

What you are seeking is seeking you

What’s meant for you, will find you

Have your vision and a clear view

Trust the process and just remain true

Universe will help and provide you a cue

Believe in yourself and what you do



Dr. Shalini Garg
Read or Die!

I hold a phD in psychology,healer and a life coach. Great passion for writing and reflecting my thoughts and learnings to spread awareness and help the people.