When Fire Rules
And the lion roars
Something is haunting in the way fire transforms the land it burns. It begins so innocently as a spark, like a cute little lion cub playfully bouncing around, only to grow into a ferocious predator with no mercy, devouring everything in its path.
It began as a tiny spark. Innocently lying in the dry grass, as harmless as that cute lion cub nestled close to its mother. It flickered gently, barely alive, testing its strength against the world.
Soon it was hungry and fed on the dry brittle brush around it, eating and destroying everything it could. The spark became a flame, and the bright flame roared for the first time. Realizing its power it prowled like a hungry lion looking for more prey.
The fire grew, and so did its dominion. It fiercely leaped from tree to tree as a grown lion with its mane golden and crackling in the dark. Smoke filled the sky with black thunderclouds as if announcing its arrival. The jungle of buildings began to fall under its rule like a jungle of trees and the land bowed in submission, surrendering to the fierce scorching power of the fire.
What began as a tiny glow was now hot with unbearable heat. The gentle cub had become the king of the land and its reign was marked by ash and soot.
And yet, even in all the devastation and destruction, hope whispers through the ashes and rubble. Fire is not an end but a beginning. Just as volcanic eruptions forge new land, and flames open the cones of tall pine trees to scatter their seeds, life always finds a way forward. We may not see it now but grass will eventually sprout from the burnt soil, trees will rise again, and man will rebuild.
Though the fires continue still, and more destruction feels inevitable, history reminds us that renewal and new growth always follow ruin. Life is as unstoppable as the fires that destroy the land. Humans have survived every natural disaster that has been thrown at us, and we will survive this one too.
I have watched the news about the wildfires, feeling empathetic and helpless, as the roaring flames have devoured the beautiful landscape of California. Thousands of homes, once filled with happiness, love and laughter, cherished memories, and dreams of tomorrow, now lie in ruin as burnt ashes. So many families left homeless, and lives shattered, all from a single spark that somehow grew into an uncontrollable and unstoppable fiery beast.
My heart goes out to everyone involved and affected by the devastating wildfires burning in California.
Life is fragile and the power of nature is unforgiving.
You can help people affected by wildfires in California in 2025 by visiting redcross.org, calling 1–800-RED CROSS (800–733–2767) or texting the word CAWILDFIRES to 90999 to make a donation. Your donation enables the Red Cross to prepare for, respond to, and help people recover from these disasters.
Rich and I wonder about signing up to volunteer for the Red Cross. We could go wherever they needed us to in the continental United States. Have camper, will travel.