Why Balance Seems So Difficult To Come By

The frustrating journey of balancing relationships, work, leisure, and chores

Ross Stringer
Read or Die!


Photo by Francesco Morleo on Unsplash

We know of the “work-life balance” concept. You know — establishing the right amount of time for work and leisure.

Not too much work — otherwise, there will be burnout.

Not too much leisure — otherwise, responsibilities will pile up and eventually overwhelm you.

I’m all for a work-life balance. Non-stop work leads to burnout, and heavily indulging in leisure is an untenable strategy when there are so many demands foisted upon us in day-to-day living.

However: does modern life actually give us the opportunity to readily balance work, relationships, chores, demands, and leisure?

This will vary from person to person…but in my experience, balance just isn’t that easy to come by. I do not know if anyone else experiences this, but sometimes, I feel like life is a constant treadmill of chores that stack up. I constantly feel bothered by them even when I am engaging in leisure…

…and the leisure activities can be tricky to give up when I seek a reprieve from the demands.



Ross Stringer
Read or Die!

Writes on philosophy, psychology, self-improvement, the writing lifestyle, and the weird and wonderful aspects of life that are not appreciated enough.