Why Do People Start Ignoring You?

It hits you like a ton of bricks: why do people you love and who seemed to appreciate you suddenly shut you out like you don’t matter anymore?

Read or Die!
3 min readApr 16, 2024


What happened suddenly was that there was no other option but to ignore.

People tell different stories, and like every other story, it has its own reasons that make them act in that way.

  1. Broken Trust:

Perhaps you unintentionally hurt them deeply.

They may have tried to communicate, but if they felt you weren’t taking responsibility for your actions, ignoring you might be their way of protecting themselves.

2. Compatibility Mismatch:

Sometimes, good people simply don’t fit together. Maybe they admire you, but don’t see you as a long-term partner.

It’s harsh, but rejection doesn’t always reflect your worth.

As harsh as it sounds to hear that, sometimes people ignore you because they don’t know what to do with you.

They even think that they don’t deserve you, and don’t you try to prove your worth to them.

Sometimes people are confused with themselves, and you are not the one who can help them fix that.

If someone ignores you, even after you have the purest intention for them, you are not losing anything, but they are losing everything.

3. Personal Growth:

The last reason might be that maybe you outgrew them, or they outgrew you.

As short as it is, the deeper it has its meaning.

Sometimes people don’t know how to communicate this, which can hurt your feelings, so they choose to ignore you.

People evolve, and sometimes friendships or relationships reach their natural end.

They might not know how to express this, leading to awkward silences.

However, I want to tell you one thing:

If somebody is ignoring you or choosing to avoid you, even after bringing things up again and again, do you think you deserve it?

No matter how hard the situations are for them, if instead of communicating or talking it out, they choose to ignore you, then trust me, they are quite aware of the hurt you are going to get after that, so you know what the answer to that will be, because

“The heart knows, but it pretends.”

Photo by Cathal Mac an Bheatha on Unsplash

Here’s the thing: we can’t force people to talk to us.

It’s like trying to hug a cactus — you only end up getting poked.

If someone’s constantly giving you the cold shoulder, even after you’ve tried to reach out, it’s time to step back.

Chasing after them will only zap your energy and make you feel worse.

Think about it this way: healthy friendships and relationships are a conversation, back and forth.

If the other person isn’t talking, well, the conversation is kind of over, right?

It doesn’t mean the good times weren’t real, but things have changed.



Read or Die!

Quiet heart with a writer's soul. Weaving real-life experiences into words, finding connection through listening, reading, and writing.