Why Does Being Spontaneous Feel So Out of Reach?

Routine and structure may be killing your joy

Gabriella H.
Read or Die!


Author’s image created with DALL-E

I’ve lived this day more than 100 times.

Chances are you’ve lived this day many times, too.

Every day, like a well-oiled robot, I rise, shine, rinse, and caffeinate, all before marching off to my daily grind for a minimum of 8 hours. After the grind? Well, the world’s my slightly overripe oyster — choices exist, albeit in a limited menu.

A Symphony of Sameness

Ever felt that dull ache of monotony?

That’s the universe’s way of poking fun at your allergic reaction to spontaneity.

Recall the last time you went off-script? For many of us, our lives are set on repeat — yesterday’s coffee had one scoop of sugar, today, we’re living on the edge with two. Wild, I tell you.

Despite the internal cries for an adventure, we’re often too afraid to break the cycle. As years pile on, our flexibility seems to dull along with our joints.

The Roots of Rigidity

Many of our bad habits have their roots in our childhood fears. That monster under the bed has upgraded to a full-time shadow, tailing us into adulthood, minus the under-bed residency.



Gabriella H.
Read or Die!

I’m always curious, always looking for something new to learn, using life as a learning canvas.