Word Festival Part 2: Captivating Words to Use in Your Stories

From ephemeral phosphenes and wanderlust to orphic and petrichor.

Read or Die!
3 min readApr 17, 2024


1. Phosphenes

Noun. Colorful rings or spots that are visible when eyes are closed.

Do you remember those bright, colorful spots you saw when you closed your eyes as a child? They are called phosphenes.

Photo by Dayne Topkin on Unsplash

The little girl rubbed her eyes to see the phosphenes.

When I was little, I used to play with the phosphenes every night.

2. Ephemeral

Adj. Lasting for a very short time.

Photo by Mark Tegethoff on Unsplash

ephemeral beauty

We are all lost in this ephemeral life of ours.

The ephemerally beautiful life of cherry blossoms.

3. Petrichor

Noun. The pleasant, earthy smell produced when rain falls on dry soil.

Photo by Santiago Martin on Unsplash

The first rains after a long dry spell bring out an unmistakable perfume, often strongest in spring and summer, known as petrichor. — The Sunday Times (2014)

Petrichor- the magical phenomenon that occurs when rainwater kisses arid land.

She was obsessed with the magical scent of petrichor.

4. Cosmogyral


Whirling around the universe

Swirling amid the cosmos

Photo by Vincentiu Solomon on Unsplash

Oh, how do I put an end to these cosmogyral thoughts of mine!

I wish I were a cosmogyral, heavenly body.

5. Wanderlust


The strong desire to roam about, to wander and explore.

The impulse or longing to travel and wander around.

Photo by Dino Reichmuth on Unsplash

He was smitten by wanderlust and a desire for life away from the humdrum.

His wanderlust would not allow him to stay long in one spot.

6. Orphic


Mystical. Mysterious. Otherworldly

Photo by Maxx Gong on Unsplash

The orphic nature of the forest at night made it seem like a magical realm.

The orphic nature of the story left the reader feeling enchanted.

The orphic melodies of the flute filled the room with a hauntingly beautiful sound.

7. Arcane


Secret, mystery, known by few, hidden, concealed

Photo by Patrick Hendry on Unsplash

The ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs are arcane.

The arcane rituals of the secret society.

Arcane symbols are etched on the tombstones in the old graveyard.

8. Beautiful


Definition: YOU

Photo by Levan Badzgaradze on Unsplash

9. Selcouth

Adj. unusual, strange, wondrous, marvelous

Photo by Egor Myznik on Unsplash

The scientists were left staring at the selcouth mineral

She loves to pick selcouth flowers.

10. Mellifluous

Adj. A pleasantly smooth, rich and sweet musical sound.

Photo by Forja2 Mx on Unsplash

Her voice is mellifluous and comforting.

I was captivated by the writer’s mellifluous prose.

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Read or Die!

A lost soul who is navigating through life by writing