Writing on Medium With ZERO Followers

I fired up my laptop and logged in to my Medium account. It’s my second day here, and I haven’t gained any followers yet.

Read or Die!
2 min readMar 17, 2024


Photo by Melanie Deziel on Unsplash

I know it might seem early, but building an audience takes time. The good news is, followers will come as you consistently create high-quality content.

While hope is a powerful motivator, it’s important to couple it with a clear strategy. I have been devouring articles on building a following and crafting quality content.

However, I still feel like there is a missing piece. To bridge that gap, I actively engage with the community by commenting on other writers’ work and seeking publication opportunities.

Now, let’s address the elephant in the room: why I write on Medium even with no followers yet. As I mentioned before, writing has always been a source of deep satisfaction for me. It goes beyond just penning thoughts in a diary.

Here on Medium, I experience the joy of crafting ideas and translating them into words that flow from my fingertips.

Secondly, writing on Medium serves as a map for my personal development. It fosters my growth as a thinker and hones my communication skills.

Now, let’s shift our focus to the long game. Even with no followers yet, I’m busy planting seeds for the future. Building a strong writing portfolio and establishing your voice is crucial.

After all, a small but engaged audience now can blossom into a thriving community later.

As the saying goes, “Slow and steady wins the race.” I understand that building a loyal following requires consistent effort and dedication.

Fortunately, my current follower count gives me the freedom to concentrate on crafting high-quality content that will resonate with the right audience over time.

The path to success is unique for everyone. While I can’t predict how long it’ll take to gain followers and readership, one thing’s certain: I won’t compare my journey to others.

Comparisons can be a detour, leading to discouragement. Instead, I’ll focus on growing organically.

Being a well-rounded writer requires not just creating content, but actively engaging with it.

I believe being a reader is just as important as being a writer — the two go hand in hand.

I am open to any suggestions. I would love to hear how you all stayed motivated and kept posting on Medium, even with a small following.

If you have any advice, please leave a comment below. Let’s connect and support each other’s growth. Thank you.



Read or Die!

Quiet heart with a writer's soul. Weaving real-life experiences into words, finding connection through listening, reading, and writing.