YOU Are Not Ready to Read This..

Sometimes it’s okay to give up on people.

Read or Die!
2 min readMar 20, 2024


Gazing out from a cafe window, my coffee growing cold, I noticed a sign that read “Never Give Up.”

The sign’s message felt hollow, and a bitter laugh bubbled up from my chest. The sentiment felt hollow in light of my recent experiences.

Photo by Bohdan Pyryn on Unsplash

My heart and the nagging voice in my head said, “It’s time to prioritize yourself. You took a break, but things haven’t improved. Letting go of this person might be the best course of action.”

Still confused, I reached for my phone, hoping a distraction might help. Scrolling through social media, I kept seeing posts about the importance of self-worth.

It struck a chord — a reminder that maybe I wasn’t prioritizing myself enough. This realization sent me down a rabbit hole of deep thought.

When should I give up on somebody?

First things first, giving up on someone for peace of mind is okay sometimes.

However, the big question that kept bugging me was: when is it okay to just walk away?

A voice, a blend of my heart and reason, whispered, “When someone isn’t interested.”

I couldn’t help, but ask “What if they say they are, shower you with words of love but never show it?

A fiercer voice boomed in my head, “Actions speak louder than words. If they don’t show it, they don’t love you.”

Yeah, but what about those last-minute attempts to change when things are on the brink?

The voice softened, “Those are manipulations, not genuine efforts. If their pattern is grand gestures followed by emptiness, that’s their reality. The initial display was a facade, and this — the nothingness — is who they truly are.”

My heart sank.

“So, how do I let go?” I whimpered.

“Step out of your dreams and face reality,” the voice replied firmly.

This made me realize that my new mantra should be — I don’t want to be with somebody who doesn’t want to be with me.

Letting go of someone can be tough. I’m curious, have you ever been in a situation where you knew it was time to walk away?

What were the signs for you? Let me know in the comments.



Read or Die!

Quiet heart with a writer's soul. Weaving real-life experiences into words, finding connection through listening, reading, and writing.