Your Brain is Being Hacked

Don’t allow it

Gabriella H.
Read or Die!


Me window-shopping as a child. Some things don’t change | Author’s image.

I take the Declaration of Independence very seriously. So, when I’m not busy drowning in anxious thoughts or choking on existential dread, I’m on a relentless pursuit of happiness.

Of course, half the time I’m confused as to what happiness really means, so that sends me right back into the anxiety abyss.

I have a sneaking suspicion I’m not the only one doing these mental gymnastics.

The Problem With Excellent Marketing

We’ve become a society filled with more voids than a block of Swiss cheese — everyone’s searching, everyone’s missing something. Problem is, half of us don’t even know what we’re missing.

It’s like feeling hungry and not knowing what to eat — something my husband witnesses daily to his great despair.

And the dark underbelly of American enterprise knows how confused we are. (Gasp!)

They know most of us have a hard time telling the difference between pleasure and contentment.

Pleasure is cheap, it’s everywhere. You can pick it up with a side of fries, snag it during a five-minute online shopping spree, or find it in the bottom of a wine glass.



Gabriella H.
Read or Die!

I’m always curious, always looking for something new to learn, using life as a learning canvas.