You’re Not Lazy If You Don’t Exercise

Exercising in the midst of mental angst

Gabriella H.
Read or Die!


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You’re not lazy if you don’t want to go for a run. You’re just a hostage in the grand theater of your mind.

Sometimes, the emotions that squat in the penthouse suite of your brain make you retreat from your own body, leaving you disconnected from your limbs, your skin, and your right to exist.

Escaping this mental hostage situation can be like trying to jailbreak Alcatraz.

Our minds can bind us with anxiety, self-loathing, shame, regret, depression, and a million other mental shackles.

It’s like having an anvil on your chest, making it nearly impossible to get off the couch or bed. People might call you lazy or a couch potato, but they don’t know your mind has frozen all its assets.

Step outside, even if just for a minute.

Notice the glorious indifference of the world.

That squirrel sprinting across the lawn is in its own personal marathon. The kid playing ball has more important things to do than judge you. The cloudless sky couldn’t care less about your failures.

Don’t run. Don’t sweat.

Go for a leisurely stroll, even if it’s just once around the block or even less.

Minor exercise can still be a lifesaver.

We’re athletes of a different kind, battling a different enemy, and our fight is already well underway.



Gabriella H.
Read or Die!

I’m always curious, always looking for something new to learn, using life as a learning canvas.