Loyal Employees are not a myth with a Loyal Employer

Lusia Vardanyan
Read Priotix
Published in
7 min readFeb 2, 2021


👋 Hey all,

Let’s discuss one of the most important value concepts, LOYALTY.

“Loyalty cannot be blueprinted. It cannot be produced on an assembly line. In fact, it cannot be manufactured at all, for its origin is the human heart — the center of self-respect and human dignity.”- Maurice Franks.

One of our core professional and personal pillars at Priotix is loyalty — the building block of collaborative creation and a shared vision of success.

We value loyalty greatly and decided to introduce a special loyalty bonus program featuring travel certificates in Armenia and abroad. This, in fact, is yet another way we show appreciation to our loyal employees and convey just how grateful we are!

Employee Loyalty = Employer Loyalty

When we speak about employee loyalty, I think we should clearly understand that it is a coin with two sides. You can never expect an Employee to be loyal if you as an Employer are not equally loyal to the Employee.

Here is how an employer can be loyal to employees which, in its turn, enhances employee loyalty and productivity bit by bit.

When an employer creates and structures the work environment so that these promises not only take place but also works hard to optimize them day by day, you know you’re collaborating with a loyal employer.

As a loyal employer, we at Priotix take our promises to our teammates very seriously. You can easily check it by randomly asking any of our team member on linkedin! :)

Let’s drill down our promises to our beautiful PXians!

For any company, a healthy culture is like oxygen for a living organism. When a newly onboarded employee feels at work as comfortable as at home during their first week, you know that you created an open and healthy culture where people are happy to share their knowledge, assist, communicate transparently and openly, respect, and cheer each other.

Based on trust, we make our committed teammates business partners by issuing stock options. We believe that a sense of ownership impacts positively on professional maturity, loyalty and productivity.

Communication is one of our core 6 values. We strive to have an environment for open and quality communication between teammates. We also established a quarterly 1 to 1 meetings process with the HR specialist and the team lead or CTO. This is a great way to hear and provide feedback on every single aspect of our work.

Based on our healthy culture, we secure a maximum honest, open, objective feedback system.

Management is also committed to being accountable and reporting to the whole team what improvements or fixes the company has overtaken based on the feedback and requests from individual 1on1 meetings.

Across all management layers, we believe that micromanagement is a mismanagement. With super flat management, our people will never know what bureaucracy is at work.

Managers’ relationships with their team are based on mutual respect, trust, and care. We always try to help with our employees’ personal issues if they share (and they usually do, given the level of our open and trustful communication).

We believe that software engineering is a creative process that requires dedicated time to think, research, try, fail and find the best solution to technical issues. We trust our people as mature professionals by giving them free space and encouragement to create, innovate and improve.

We never engage coders into our team. Every single member of our team knows that we NEVER compromise letting a non-optimal solution or a bad code be pushed to production. In order to be a part of our team, one HAS TO dive deep into the technical issue and suggest at least 2 to 3 technical solutions during the technical grooming sessions. Every single code line is reviewed before pushing to QA.

Assisting and encouraging a never-ending knowledge and skills growth path to employees is what makes the company flourish as well.

During quarterly 1on1 meetings, we design individual learning and development goals for the upcoming quarter. There are so many channels for knowledge gain at our company including online courses, knowledge sharing sessions, mentorship programs, a library of professional books, etc.

We believe that hard work; great results and dedication should be constantly recognized and appreciated. Starting from simple thank you and appreciation in the form of performance bonuses, appreciation gifts and surprises are what we practice at Priotix.

Smooth and highly structured and predictable processes both HR and PM. We worked really hard during the last several quarters to bring our company’s HR infrastructure and processes to a level where we can proudly compare them with the top-notch tech companies globally.

New hire is introduced to

  • Onboarding process
  • PX handbook where they can find responses to most of the questions
  • Code of ethics and code of conducts
  • Policy on 1on1 quarterly meetings
  • Policy on PTO
  • Policy on referral program
  • Policy on WHO (work from home). Great news: Priotix is a remote first company.
  • Training and development program
  • Exit rules/processes.

We have tried hard to make it organized, structured and predictable all the way from onboarding to exit interview.

We also worked REALLY hard during the previous several quarters in order to bring our work processes to a flawless state where every single aspect of our agile processes is structured, organized, and works like a Swiss watch.

A project management system that we have recently inherited is called the Shape Up method. It is a super interesting new agile method of project management, the details of which you can check from our senior PM Anna’s post here.

We believe that your bear this special pride when

  • You see how the product you have built grows and how users appreciate it,
  • You feel how good you become at understanding and improving the features even without the product owner’s engagement
  • You see how the solution you provided improves with every single cycle.

We always tell our team to focus on their responsibilities, to build great quality products, to improve their knowledge and skills every single day, to concentrate on their quarterly goals AND the financial wellbeing will follow in terms of salary reviews (which we do twice a year), milestones based bonuses and other forms of financial appreciation!

We also improve our benefits package constantly trying to make it a great fit for every teammate!

To sum up, all these factors are exactly what executives, HR, team leads at Priotix work really hard to improve day by day. Usually, it might take years for a company to build its true organic strong loyalty fundamentals. But you know, Rome was not built in one day!

It is indeed an ongoing and long-term term process but our strong commitment is what makes us successful on this path.

As a LOYAL EMPLOYER, Priotix will always be prioritizing the retention of loyal employees and the engagement of professionals who would become loyal!

If you appreciate working and growing with such a loyal employer, feel free to send us a note and tell us about yourself.

Connect with Priotix online on Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram for more tech insights.

