5 More Words to Look For When You’re Editing Your Writing

When you’re editing your work, here are five more words you should think about changing or deleting always.

Brian Rowe
Read. Watch. Write. Repeat.


Photo by Lara Far at Unsplash

Yes, editing your writing sometimes comes down to the specific words themselves.

When you’re in the early revising stages, you should pay attention to larger story issues, not words and sentences. Before you get to the smaller details, you want to make sure the story works as best as it can.

But later on, once your story is solid and your characters are as rich and complex as you can make them, then you should start paying attention to all those words that make up your story.

Earlier this month I revealed the five words I always look for in my manuscript to either change or delete…

Those are all big no-nos. Especially “that” and “just.” Those are two words you want to search for and change before you send out your work.

