5 Quotes by Cormac McCarthy to Make You a Better Writer

The Pulitzer Prize-winning author of The Road has given us some amazing wisdom about writing!

Brian Rowe
Read. Watch. Write. Repeat.


Cormac McCarthy (born in 1933) is the celebrated author of The Road, No Country for Old Men, and Blood Meridian, among many other novels.

Here are five quotes from Mr. McCarthy to inspire your writing day!

1. My perfect day is sitting in a room with some blank paper. That’s heaven. That’s gold and anything else is just a waste of time.

That’s what writing is at the end of the day, isn’t it? Sure, there have been advances made in the past few decades, and the publishing industry works differently now than it did long ago, and people are writing different kinds of stories than they did a hundred years ago, but the act of writing is pretty much still writing a story on some blank paper. It’s creating something out of nothing. It’s taking something that exists only in your mind and transferring it to the blank page before you.

Sometimes I forget about this very simple aspect of writing. I’m focused on the amount of words I want to reach for my day, or I’m obsessed with my latest query letters to send out, or I’m revising chapter nineteen and trying to get it just right.

