6 Quotes by Ursula K. Le Guin to Make You a Better Writer

The beloved science fiction and fantasy author gave us fantastic advice about writing!

Brian Rowe
Read. Watch. Write. Repeat.


Photo by Rafael Leao at Unsplash

Ursula K. Le Guin (1929–2018) was the celebrated author of the Earthsea fantasy series and countless other acclaimed novels.

Here are six wonderful quotes she shared with us to help your writing!

1. My imagination makes me human and makes me a fool; it gives me all the world, and exiles me from it.

What an astonishing quote this is. I’ve never really thought of the imagination in this way before, and I love it. Because what Le Guin is saying here is absolutely true: your imagination gives you the world, it allows you to see things most people don’t, it allows you to truly surrender yourself to everything the world has to offer.

But at the same time your imagination often forces you to become exiled from the glorious world we live in because you’re spending so much time in dark rooms creating fictional stories and characters that don’t exist. You’re using things from the world, from your life, in your storytelling, but you choose to not engage with the world in a way when you’re writing, instead choosing isolation and the blank page.

