How to Write Your Novel in a Single Month

If you want to write your novel in 30 days, here’s how to do it.

Brian Rowe
Read. Watch. Write. Repeat.


Photo by Alex Knight at Unsplash

You might feel like there’s never the perfect time to start writing your novel.

You might feel like there’s not the perfect window right now where you’ll be able to get it done.

There are so many ways to write a novel. I’ve talked about how if you’re pressed for time, you can always find 10 to 20 minutes a day and write a little bit. If you write 200 words a day, you can complete a novel in just one year!

But what if you want to get a first draft of your novel completed quickly and not slowly? What if you could write an entire novel in just a single month?

I’m telling you it can be done. I’ve written nineteen novels, and I’m currently drafting my twentieth. More than half of these books I’ve written in four weeks or less. Four weeks or less, I’m serious!

This is not to say the book is necessarily done after four weeks. There’s still lots and lots of revising to do in the months to come, of course.

But the key to your success as a novelist is being able to write and complete a first draft.

