My Year with Meryl Streep: Postcards from the Edge (1990)

A look at Meryl’s 1990 comedy written by the late, great Carrie Fisher!

Brian Rowe
Read. Watch. Write. Repeat.


I recently spent a whole year watching a Meryl Streep film every week, and I thought I’d share with you some of the reviews I wrote for her many classic films!

Postcards from the Edge (1990)

Sometimes even the most acclaimed dramatic actress in the world needs to relax, and have some fun. After appearing in her first comedy She-Devil in 1989, some may have expected Meryl to go back to what she’s best known for — serious dramas. She eventually did, but not until 1993’s The House of the Spirits.

With three kids in tow and a fourth on the way, Meryl didn’t want to make a movie on location far, far away, and chose between 1990 and 1992 to make films closer to home, in Los Angeles. Is it a coincidence that the three movies she made during this time were also comedies? Meryl had proven her worth by the end of the 1980s, and it was her right to make a few humorous films…

