Why The Hunger Games is So Popular

Here’s an in-depth examination of Suzanne Collins’ timeless YA novel!

Brian Rowe
Read. Watch. Write. Repeat.


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The Story

The Hunger Games is the first book in Suzanne Collins’ hugely popular Hunger Games trilogy, about a sixteen-year-old girl who takes part in a deadly televised game where twenty-four kids have to kill each other until one is left standing. Katniss lives in a world that’s been split up into thirteen districts, in a place where an annual televised battle called The Hunger Games pits kids ages twelve to eighteen against each other.

When her younger sister Primrose’s name is called in the Reaping, Katniss volunteers to replace her and take part in the Games. She leaves her best friend and secret crush Gale, as well as her sister and mother, behind, and enters the Games with another boy from her twelfth district, Peeta Mellark, who has his own crush on Katniss. Right before the Games begin, Peeta reveals his love for Katniss on television, making the Capitol want to portray Peeta and Katniss as interested in each other.

During the violent games, Katniss struggles to survive as those around her die, including a twelve-year-old girl named Rue who Katniss had developed an alliance with. With only a few contestants left, Katniss and Peeta start working as a team, and together defeat the…

