A Note About Thimble

Mozilla is partnering with Glitch to keep Thimble projects published and remixable

Read, Write, Participate
2 min readDec 18, 2018


In the coming months, users of Thimble — Mozilla’s browser-based, educational code editor — should migrate their projects to Glitch. Glitch is a platform similar to Thimble, where users can easily build and publish apps, web pages, and more, for free.

The migration process will be simple for Thimble users: just a few clicks. And your project will remain fully editable — you can keep on building. Glitch will also be running introductory webinars for Thimble users.

Why this change? Over the years, Mozilla’s educational software has helped teach critical digital skills, from creating content to mastering HTML and CSS. But as new threats and opportunities to the open internet arise, Mozilla sometimes decommissions projects to focus on new ones.

Over the next several months, as Thimble users migrate their projects to Glitch, we will be disabling Thimble features incrementally. The incremental shut-down will be timed around semesters to minimize disruption to university course schedules. We expect Thimble to be fully retired by December 2019. After this date, all project and account data will be erased.

We’re committed to preserving the more than 1.4 million Thimble projects online. And we’re excited that these projects and the people behind them will continue to grow at Glitch, a robust community that celebrates creativity and openness. Further, the spirit of Thimble lives on in many of Mozilla’s latest initiatives, from our open-source Internet Health Report to our support of Mozilla Fellows who are teaching the web. Many of these initiatives were developed with input from the staff and community behind Thimble.

If you’re a Thimble user who wants to learn more about migrating your project to Glitch, watch this video or sign up for the January 8, January 22, or February 6 webinars.



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