Apply to Host a Mozilla Fellow

We’re seeking like-minded organizations to host researchers, technologists, and activists who are devoted to internet health. Apply

Read, Write, Participate
3 min readFeb 4, 2019


Beginning today, Ford Foundation and Mozilla are accepting applications from organizations eager to host a Mozilla Fellow. If you’re an organization championing internet health, apply.

Now in its fifth year, our fellowship program pairs talented, passionate technologists with like-minded organizations. The fellowship’s goal: to fuel the internet health movement by matching fellows with host organizations with synchronous interests, where they will find mentorship and work alongside each other fighting for digital rights.

This year, we are particularly interested in partnering with host organizations whose missions or projects align with Mozilla’s latest impact goal: “better machine decision making,” or ensuring artificial intelligence is developed with ethics, responsibility, and accountability in mind. Better machine decision making is a critical issue in the civil society sector. The digital tools that are gaining more control over our lives have the potential to create a more equitable world. But if these tools aren’t designed and trained responsibly, they can instead deepen existing inequalities and divisions.

More broadly, host organizations should be working on initiatives related to online privacy or security; openness; decentralization, digital inclusion; and/or web literacy.

Fellows embed at their host organization for 10 months, where they can collaborate with organizations and work on research, advocacy efforts, strategic input, and more. Ford and Mozilla provide fellows with a competitive stipend and benefits.

Over the past five years, dozens of Fellows have embedded at more than 20 host organizations around the world. Among them:

Mozilla’s 2018–19 Fellows
  • WITNESS is currently hosting 2018 Fellow Gabriela Ivens, who leverages open-source methods and data for human rights investigations.
  • Human Rights Watch hosted 2017 Fellow Becca Ricks, who developed an online tool for teaching everyday internet users about the importance of encryption.
  • Majal hosted 2017 Fellow Orlando Del Aguila, who helped create a safe, secure online space for the Middle East’s LGBTQ community.
  • Color of Change hosted 2016 Fellow Matt Mitchell, who built tools and strategies for protecting marginalized communities’ online.
  • Freedom of the Press Foundation hosted 2016 Fellow Jennifer Helsby, who worked on enhancing SecureDrop, an anonymous whistleblowing platform.
  • ACLU Massachusetts hosted 2015 Fellow Paola Villarreal, who leveraged data science to overturn several wrongful convictions.

The application deadline is Sunday, March 3, 2019. You can apply here.

To learn more, visit or email Have questions about the application itself? See the host partner FAQs here.

About Mozilla

Mozilla believes the internet must always remain a global public resource, open and accessible to all. Our direct work focuses on fueling the movement for a healthy internet. We do this by supporting a diverse group of fellows working on key internet issues, connecting open internet leaders at events like MozFest, publishing critical research in the Internet Health Report, and rallying citizens around advocacy issues that connect the wellbeing of the internet directly to everyday life. Learn more at

About Ford Foundation

The Ford Foundation works around the world on the frontlines of social change to fight inequality, strengthen democratic values, reduce poverty and injustice, and advance human achievement. Learn more at



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