Globalization and Internet Literacy for All

By Vishal Chavan | A spotlight on a Sprint for Internet Health project

Mozilla Open Leaders
Read, Write, Participate
3 min readMay 30, 2019


Ayodele Mathew Oluwaseun has worked in community and youth development, adolescent reproductive health, and as the vice president to an NGO dedicated to providing education information and communication technology to underdeveloped communities. Mathew’s interest in development led him to work on a project in the recent round of Mozilla Open Leaders on Globalization and Literacy.

I interviewed Mathew Ayodele to learn more about Globalization and Internet literacy for all and how you can contribute to the work.

What is Globalization and Internet Literacy for All?

It’s a project aimed at raising the awareness and consciousness of youths in developing countries on the importance of internet usage to facilitate development and literacy

Why did you start Globalization and Internet Literacy for All?

Firstly, as a citizen to one of the developing countries, i wake up everyday in my community to see the rising rate of illiteracy and under-development among youths. They lack exposure to the global community, this is why I thought of bringing globalization to my community. Secondly, many of these youths in my community have little or no understanding about internet usage and literacy, however, there are some that knows the functions of the internet. Instead of utilizing it for community development, they would rather abuse it. It is with this view i discovered the necessity of internet literacy and healthy usage.

Have you created any resources which can be shared among the community to better understand the project?

A: Definitely, I made a printed manual on internet usage available but the number of youths in my community outnumbered the printed material I was able to provide.

What challenges have you faced working on this project?

A: Firstly, motivation is one of the key challenges. We have no support from any organization concerned with development. Secondly, funding is another aspect. My inability to provide enough materials to my community was as a result of poor funding, I used my personal funds. There are other major events I planned on organizing, but due to lack of financial capacity, it appears like an impossibility.

What kind of skills do I need to contribute to your project?

A: Firstly assess the challenges with the project execution and see where you can fit. Secondly, you must be development oriented and willing to commit to changing lives. Thirdly, you must be internet literate and willing to confer internet knowledge and skills to others. Lastly, you must be an optimist.

How can others contribute your project?

A: By volunteering and making the project a global one. By implementing this project in their various communities around them. This project is not just for my community but for communities like my own in every part of the world. Others can also contribute by being a source of motivation to the success of this project.

How has the Open Leaders program helped you with your project?

A: Talking about leadership skills and development, you may agree with me that controlling youths is one of the hardest things to do. However, with Open Leaders program, i have garnered the skills needed to be able to manage and control situations as a leader. Open Leaders has also taught me to be goal oriented by drawing out my plans for every week and how to achieve my goals.

What meme or gif best represents your project?

Join us wherever you are during the month of May at Mozilla’s Sprint for Internet Health to work on many amazing open projects! Join a diverse network of scientists, educators, artists, engineers and others in person and online to hack and build projects for a health Internet.

This post by Vishal Chavan is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.



Mozilla Open Leaders
Read, Write, Participate

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