Mozilla Curriculum Workshop: Series Finale

Wrapping up a year and a half of community co-design

Read, Write, Participate
3 min readAug 21, 2017


By Amira Dhalla and Chad Sansing

CC-BY moz://a

Mozilla invests in local leaders championing Internet health and its related issues in local communities and across peer networks. For several years, we at Mozilla have been engaged in a process of curriculum design and development around Web Literacy — the skills needed to read, write, and participate fully online. Through that process we have been fortunate to connect with a global community of educational practitioners and leaders like none other. It’s a community that understands the challenges and opportunities of helping people move from consuming to producing online.

As part of our collaborative efforts to design curriculum with the global community, we started the Mozilla Curriculum Workshop on International Women’s Day in March, 2016. We wanted to host a participatory webcast where invited guests could share ideas and rapidly prototype lesson plans and teaching resources that connected Web Literacy with other core issues important to us all. We borrowed from Paul Allison’s Teachers Teaching Teachers webcast by adding a live Etherpad to each episode that allowed audience members to chat, ask questions, share links, and contribute to our prototypes in real time.

It’s been a fun and fulfilling year-and-a-half of conversation. Now, we’re exploring ways to elevate the role of non-staff leaders and communities of practice. We believe projects can be developed and sustained by the larger network, not just Mozilla staff.

Of course, Mozilla will continue to work for a healthy Internet and champion leaders like you. And we’ll continue to play the role of convener and cheerleader, sharing projects across the network to invite collaboration. Two useful tools to help do that:, where you can share your latest project, find contributors, and search other like-minded projects. And, where you can blog (and read others’ blogs) about projects in the works.

But before we go, we plan to host one more call — a special “ask me anything” (AMA) episode of the Mozilla Curriculum Workshop at noon ET, on Tuesday, September 26th, 2017. This is a webcast to celebrate all of the generous contributions guests and audiences members have made over the course of the program, as well as to address any questions you have as audience members and network leaders. We’re delighted to answer any questions you have about:

  • Curriculum design and development.
  • Producing a semi-monthly webcast about Internet health and Web Literacy.
  • Upcoming opportunities to participate in network events and projects.
  • Your plans to lead the way on Web Literacy in the future.
  • Anything else that you want to ask Amira, Chad or Paul!

If you have a question you’d like to submit for the show, please send it to us using this form.

If you’d like to join us on air as a guest, please also let us know. There’s a checkbox on the same form to share your interest in being a guest.

We can’t wait to join you one last time at the workshop. Bring your questions and sparkle hands for all the amazing Web Literacy your community inspires around the world!



Read, Write, Participate

I teach for the users. Opinions are mine; content is ours.