New Thimble Feature: Automatic Image Resizing!

Mozilla Thimble
Read, Write, Participate
1 min readJun 21, 2017

We’ve just released a new Thimble feature: We now automatically resize images you upload to your project if they are larger than 250kb. We noticed a lot of people were including very large images in their projects, which can make editing, publishing, viewing and remixing Thimble projects quite slow if your internet connection isn’t great.

A large image automatically resized in Thimble.

We also noticed that quite often, the large images people used weren’t displayed at their full size anyway. The extra resolution in the image was wasted. If your project needs to make use of a high resolution image, you can always use an external service like imgur to host it. You can then you can reference that image in your <img> tag code or in your CSS.

Try it out yourself

Go to, create a new project and add a large image to it and see what happens. Also, get in touch if you think the limit we chose (250kb) is too small.

