Testing Open Leadership Map Use Cases

Stress test tools for personal & professional development

Read, Write, Participate
3 min readFeb 16, 2018


Our prototype self-assessment tool

At Mozilla, we’re passionate about working open. To support allies, leaders, and partners in the movement for Internet health, we’ve begun work on the Open Leadership Map, a framework for personal and professional development in open projects and communities. In the short-term, we hope the map contributes to ongoing conversations about how to work open and enact the principles, practices, and skills of open leadership. In the long-term, we hope the map helps increase public demand for an open Web and society through projects and products that fulfill users’ needs for agency, authenticity, and ownership.

We believe that open leaders design, build, and empower for understanding, sharing, and participation & inclusion. We’ve tested those beliefs by collecting feedback on our Open Leadership Map white paper through a public alpha and a public beta of the work.

We’re almost ready to release version 1.0 of the white paper. However, before we do that, we want to test several use cases of the Open Leadership Map. We need help from leaders like you to understand which parts of our framework make sense and which parts don’t.

While the white paper is meant to be a framework, we plan to develop curriculum, events, and resources from it and we hope to support allies and partners doing the same. We need your help to make sure that the materials developed from the map are authentic, relevant, and valuable to leaders like you.

Would you be willing to test one of our use cases for us? We have four prototype use cases to choose from:

Please feel free to comment on these prototypes to help us improve them.

Each use-case and set of feedback questions should take about 1 hour to complete. If you are willing to help, just let us know, and curriculum manager Chad Sansing will reach out to you about next steps, process, and feedback.

Here are the steps to test a use-case:

  1. Review the Open Leadership Map white paper.
  2. Pick a use-case above and complete it by Friday, March 9th, 2018.

Please let us know if you have any questions about the map, the white paper, or testing a use case. You can email questions and feedback directly to Chad.

If you are able to test a use case for us, please complete it by Friday, March 9th, 2018.

Thank you for your leadership! Let us know how we can support you and your efforts to champion open leadership and working open across your community, the web, and the world.



Read, Write, Participate

I teach for the users. Opinions are mine; content is ours.