Culture | Religion

The Blessings of the Month of Ramadan

Resetting your Spirit, Mind, and Body.

Ibrahim K
Readable Thoughts
Published in
4 min readApr 26, 2021


Fasting is one of the practiced principles among almost every popular religion despite the differentiation in its definition. In Islam, it is encouraged to fast on multiple occasions throughout the year and it could be practiced on any day voluntarily.

Such as fasting three days of every month, every Monday and Thursday, the Month of Muharram, and 6 days from Shawwal (Hijri calendar). But the important one that every capable has to fast is the ninth month of the Hijri calendar — the month of Ramadan.

In which the person should not eat, drink, or have sex from dawn till sunset. However, this month is spiritual, filled by doing good deeds like donating, supporting the needy and the poor, as well as showing love and care to the close ones among family and friends.


Ramadan is one of the five pillars of Islam that a Muslim is obligated to obtain as long as he’s capable. But it’s not limited to fasting, people tend to share goodness as a part of worshipping, by giving charity and strengthening their kinship.

Ramadan teaches people to have self-control over lust and mind — like anger and gossip. At the same time, it…

