Finding good enough reason to build a product…

Abhishek Desai
ReadBoard Stories
2 min readAug 10, 2016


I learned from this awesome TED Talk that “People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it”.

So let me share, why I decided to create ReadBoard. :)

Because I was tired of losing my conversations with people.

I noticed that every other website used different commenting systems.

There is Disqus and there is Facebook Comments and Wordpress Comments and Livefyre and IntenseDebate and what not? All of them pretty good in their own ways. No complains there.

But hey, where the hell are my conversations, which I started on these systems in last 5 years? Simply LOST?

So one day I decided enough is enough and started building ReadBoard to solve that problem. And today, it is up and running solving more problems than I imagined for a lot of people! :)

Yes, this is war, baby!

But is it a good enough reason to build a product?

Let me know :)

I am Abhishek Desai, co-founder of Digicorp and product manager of ReadBoard and BA Apps.

ReadBoard is the fastest way to start a conversation on any web article with your colleagues, friends and family.

