People, Bookmark, Share, Report, Edit :)

Abhishek Desai
ReadBoard Stories
Published in
3 min readMay 23, 2016

ReadBoard is on a mission to…

become the best place to find the most interesting conversations on the Web.

To achieve this, we constantly have to innovate and make conversations more meaningful on ReadBoard.

So last week, apart from tweaking the UI a bit, we also added few small but useful features to ReadBoard. They make ReadBoard even more enjoyable to use.

Here is a quick preview of those features.

1. People in the conversation

Many a times, there are multiple conversations happening on an article with the help of threaded comments. But no commenting product gives you an idea that how many people are involved in those conversations at a higher level.

With ReadBoard, it is possible now. You can start multiple conversations on an article using ReadBoard’s Chrome Extension. Each conversation is in the form of a “Snippet”. And now, each snippet shows you how many people are involved in a that conversation.

People in the conversation

2. Bookmark the conversation

Many a times, you get invited to a conversation on ReadBoard but you may not have time to participate at that moment. And sometimes, you just want to save the snippet to read it later.

Well, you can do that now with the help of a nifty “Bookmark” feature. Check for the small bookmark icon at the bottom of every snippet. You can read these bookmarked snippets later from your Profile -> Conversations.

Bookmark the snippet to read it later

3. Share it on Facebook, Twitter and Google

Nothing much to explain here. You can share the snippet on social media channels now and ask your friends over there to join the conversation on ReadBoard.

Share the snippet on social media

4. Report Abuse

So far content shared on ReadBoard has been very clean because it is still in private beta. But it may no longer be the case once we go public (yes, in a few weeks :O ). So now you can report abuse for the snippets or comments, which are offensive or written in a bad taste. We will do our best to take immediate actions.

Report Abuse

5. Edit / Delete own comments

Better late than never. You can edit your own comments or delete them if required.

Edit / Delete your own comment

I hope you will enjoy ReadBoard even more because of these little additions. Kudos to the ReadBoard design and development team for making this happen.

ReadBoard is still in private beta. Medium users, click following link to directly sign up (jump the waiting queue).

UPDATE: ReadBoard is open for all since mid-July 2016 and becoming more awesome everyday because of people like you. Thanks. :)

I am Abhishek Desai, co-founder of Digicorp and product manager of ReadBoard and BA Apps.

Since 2004, Digicorp is helping startups build meaningful and usable software products.

