Readdle apps now support iPhone X and Face ID

Readdle Blog
Published in
2 min readNov 3, 2017

This September marked ten years since Steve Jobs announced the very first iPhone from the stage in 2007. New iPhone X has a bold promise of delivering a whole new immersive mobile experience as well as making augmented reality available to the mass market.

Edge to edge screen with no home button, Face ID — Apple had a great challenge of designing the product which will remain functional and bring a whole new user experience at the same time. Now, all of the design and development challenges faced by Apple will have to be solved by other developers too.

Readdle apps support iPhone X from day one

Here at Readdle, we love challenges, so we invested our time and creativity over the last few weeks to ensure that you have the best possible experience with your new device.

Supporting the most exciting technology the day it becomes available is our internal motto. Sometimes, we innovate ourselves, like we did with the release of the first in the world drag and drop on iOS devices months before it became available on iOS devices.

The new design

Over the course of the last few weeks our team has been working really hard on iPhone X interface design for all our applications. It’s the new screen and new designs for all our apps to give you better interaction and use of your iPhone’s real estate.

Protect your email and files with Face ID

Now, you can protect your private email correspondence along with your PDF files, calendars etc. with your face. This exciting technology has a huge promise on making it easier to interact with your phone, yet keep completely secure.

Changing the future of work

We’re excited about the new era of mobile experience iPhone X brings starting today and we’ll continue to deliver the best user experience with our productivity apps, changing the future of work.

All Readdle apps are available on the App Store now.

The update is already live.


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Readdle Blog

Essential productivity apps for your iPad, iPhone and Mac. Creators of @SparkMailApp, @DocumentsApp, @ScannerPro, @PrinterProApp, @PDFExpert6.