Scanner Pro Adds Evernote Business Integration (RT to win 5 promo codes)

Readdle Blog
Published in
1 min readJul 14, 2014

Today Scanner Pro gets a big update that supports Evernote Business!


Our friends at Evernote, a worlds well-known “external brain”, approached us some time ago to make an integration with their new initiative — Evernote Business. Scanner Pro, that now has more than 6 million users, supported automatic upload to Evernote for a while. In the version 5.2 we’ve added an option to upload scans and pictures to your Evernote Business accounts while choosing folders. It’s very simple and convenient.

The update is completely free. Moreover, Scanner Pro is still on a huge 50% sale.

We are giving away 5 promo codes to lucky winners.
If you want to win simply follow these steps:

1) Share this article on Facebook or Twitter.
2) Follow @Readdle on Twitter (so we can drop you a direct message with the promo code)
Follow @Readdle

3) Alternatively, you can comment below saying why do you want Scanner Pro and how you would use it.

We’ll randomly choose 5 lucky winners tomorrow and give away the codes.



Readdle Blog

Essential productivity apps for your iPad, iPhone and Mac. Creators of @SparkMailApp, @DocumentsApp, @ScannerPro, @PrinterProApp, @PDFExpert6.