Spark adds brilliant 3rd party integrations

Denys Zhadanov
Readdle Blog
Published in
3 min readAug 22, 2017
Seamless integration with 11 most-popular productivity apps

Today, Spark adds custom, best in class integrations with popular 3rd party services: Reminders by Apple, Things, 2Do, OmniFocus, Wunderlist, Todoist, Trello, Asana, Evernote, OneNote, and Bear.

With dozens of emails we receive daily, we keep losing important ones in between newsletters and mile long discussion threads. Details for specific tasks get lost. All of it slows us and our teams down. There is a complete disconnect between our inboxes and the task management tools we use. Not anymore.

Custom integrations to the rescue.

Tools like Asana, OmniFocus, Things, Evernote or Todoist help us stay focused on what’s important. And that’s why we built custom third party integrations for Spark. Our goal was to make it easy for you to organize information and create tasks seamlessly in the services that you use.

Here is why you’ll love Spark integration with 3rd party services:

  1. One click email export
  2. Choose different export options
  3. Open Spark emails from 3rd party apps using unique links
  4. Customize input fields for each task.

1. One click email export

It takes seconds to export any email from Spark to your go-to productivity companion. With email open, simply select the service you need and click Save. Spark is smart enough to remember your previous export choices, so that you won’t have to set it up from scratch every time.

Export easily

Spark power users will enjoy custom keyboard shortcuts for each service that let you export an email without taking your hands-off the keyboard.

2. Choose between export options

Spark will also let you choose different export options for each service. Sometimes you only need a back link to the email saved in your to-do app. Alternatively, you might want to save a PDF of the email to Asana, so that your team has the full email with details handy, as they complete a task.

3. Use unique links to open emails in Spark from any app

For every message you export, either a long email with attachments or a short message from your colleague, we always add the link that will bring you back to the original conversation. With a back link, you no longer have to copy and paste chunks of a message, all of it is one click away, available in Spark.

Quickly open Spark emails from 3rd party apps

4. Customized input fields for each task

The export window is customized to match the style of each service that you are using.

Asana. Evernote. 2Do. Each export window matches the service you use.

You can add additional details to the task like due date or a personal note before you save it. This lets you add all of the needed details and context to the task before it leaves your inbox. Also, it helps you remember what needs to be done when you return to it later.

Wrapping it up

Integrations with third party services is another step in creating a product that helps you control your inbox while avoiding information overload. The whole idea behind this powerful update is to help you focus on work, making it seamless and easy.

We believe that we’ve created the best in class email integrations that you are going to love.

Get Spark with all the third party integrations now at the Mac App Store!

Giveaway time!

We teamed up with some of the folks from Things, OmniFocus, Todoist and others and we will be giving away tons of promo codes ($1000+ worth) during the next 5 days on our social media channels.

Follow Spark on Twitter and Readdle on Facebook to get the codes for most popular productivity apps and services.



Denys Zhadanov
Readdle Blog

Building something new. Past: Board member and VP of marketing at Readdle (bootstrapped to 200M app downloads). Love technology, neuroscience and productivity.