An Attempt to Resurrect Passion

Book Challenge Day: 0

Audrey Andini
Reader Mortis
2 min readApr 1, 2018


All the books I haven’t read. (Img:

I have been out of passion lately. My daily routine is wake up, make up, eat, work, eat, go home, and sleep. That’s it. No more writing on WordPress, no more watching movies, just binging series for me. Let alone reading a book.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s not like I have a shortage of books to read. I have a lot of books just sitting there on the shelves, gathering dust. The only thing keeping them fresh is the plastic wrap that I haven’t bother to rip.

I tried for a hobby. I have an instant film that I use a lot, it’s just when you lead a boring life, there’s only so much you can capture. So, that’s why I finally make an account on Medium. I wanna do like the 10 books a month type of challenge, but instead I’ll start with something easy. I’ll write my thoughts and reviews after I finish reading it. So, yeah, it’s not like I’m leaving WordPress. You can still find my writings there. It’s just I’ll post this ‘book challenge’ here on Medium.

I know, I know, I shit on Medium business model like a lot. I don’t like writing for free for some billionaire ‘curated’ website thingy. That’s why I think BuzzFeed or UC Browser Community Writers is the devil. Guys, fellow writers, don’t you ever write for free unless it’s for yourselves. Don’t buy in to be paid in exposure, that’s some fresh shit, right there.

So, yeah, I hope this one has a long live ahead of it. Hopefully I’m not bored by the end of this week and still write here.

Have a grave day,


