The Guy With the Gun.

Is she alive?

shiv writes
Readers Club


Photo by Maxim Hopman on Unsplash

The guy with the gun is removing his false mask,

He has completed an very important task.

The white walls are witness of something vicious,

The mirror stained with his victim’s blood,

To be true he was never up to no good,

The guy with the gun counts: one, two, three, four, five.

No breath, she is dead.

He walks away proudly, without regret.

One, two, three.

Is her soul finally free?

Four, five.

Is she dead, or did she survive?

Six, seven, eight.

Her lungs breathing in air, he took the bait,

A wrong guy with a gun.

is worse than a ghost or ghoul,

But always remember you can’t snatch a witches’ soul.

The guy with the Gun

Shot her brutally, she was barely alive Little did he know, he will see her thrive

The guy with the gun

excitedly waits to catch sight of her doom,Little did he know, he will soon watch her bloom.



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