3 Pitch Templates That Got Me High-Paying Clients

Without any solid experience

Tanishka Makkar
Readers Hope


Photo by shraga kopstein on Unsplash

Experts say using case studies helps turn possible clients into real clients.

But, I had just started.

I had good work samples and a few happy reviews, but no solid proof of how good I was.

So I began experimenting. After testing more than 20 different pitches, I identified three that proved most effective. These got me my first 3 high-paying clients from the United States.

Let’s have a look at each of them and why they work:

Template 1:

Subject line: Question for {Name}

Hi {Name},

Love what you’re doing with your {blogs} at {brand name}.

{Mention what you liked: I enjoyed reading your recent article on Google Ads campaigns. An excellent read as I really enjoyed the quantity of the in-depth information about your own campaigns.}

And that’s how I stumbled upon you and your business.

Just 3 feedbacks:

{Feedback 1}

{Feedback 2}

{Feedback 3}

Would love to connect with you and help you solve these issues. Alternatively, you can…



Tanishka Makkar
Readers Hope

Helping you write better, so you can sell more, with confidence!