5 Things I learned so far in life

Shameer Hasan
Readers Hope
Published in
5 min readFeb 14, 2023

First of my series of “5 things” articles I plan on writing

Photo by ayumi kubo on Unsplash

Ever think about riding a train? Why does one ride one? I usually don’t unless I have somewhere to go. How many times have I ridden one when I didn’t need to?

Now comes the real question, why the heck am I going on about a train? Well ultimately it’s simple. Train is a mode of transportation to take you away from where you are to a place that you may want to go.

When you think about it, what is the difference between that and a car, or an air-plane? Well, train will only go to places where the tracks are already laid. It will not take you anywhere where you don’t have some continuous track to.

A car will give you a bit more freedom. It can take you to places where a train may never do. It does have one weakness though, it also needs roads to where you are going, but you may not need it to be continuous.

#1 Following other’s tracks can lead to trouble

See where I was going? the “tracks” are not really real, but we follow it, don’t we? We all follow a “plan” that we’re moulded to fit into. We believe we have freedom of choice, but we are trained not to exercise it.

We are moulded to conform to society. Modern day society is leading to “get a good education, get a job, be set for life.” Right now as I’m writing this, we have had well over 100,000 people lose their jobs.

The excuse given by the companies cutting jobs is because the “Economy is giving headwinds, and we want to protect our money”. These people are real people who were hired during the height of the pandemic.

They were loured to lucrative positions in the most expensive parts of the countries. I myself was offered one of these “lucrative” positions. I’m so glad I didn’t even bother to waste my time with any interviews.

I also followed the track of “plan” that will mean I get a job and I’m set for life. Right now I am quite happy with where I am as far as my career is concerned, but I also am seeing people around me suffer the consequences of this “plan”.

Many are mentally depressed because their definition was the job. My definition isn’t the job. I work to live, not live to work. I don’t ever want to retire. I want to live my life to the fullest.

I will admit I haven’t fully figured out the financial side of this freedom to live life to it’s fullest, but I will.

#2 Everybody is going through the same thing I am

Or at least some form of tragedy, just like me. I am not unique in this.

Why does it matter? Helping your neighbour through bad times builds friendships. Friendships lead to community. Community leads to strength.

This strength is what every one of us needs, especially when we are at our weakest and most vulnerable position. It helps us get through the toughest parts of our lives.

There is a saying “Misery loves company”. I always took that as a negative sense, as in “I’m going down and I’m taking you with me”.

However, I now look at it in a much more positive context. “I am giving you my strength so you can get through your tough time. I am hoping that you will too, when I need it.”

Misery of one person is overcome by the community strength of many of your friends. People who can lend you a shoulder to cry on. This is the power of community. This is the power of friendship.

#3 Poverty is the biggest pandemic on the planet

I am reading about how people are getting stabbed on the Toronto subway stations. I’m reading about most valuable part of a car stolen in minutes. I’m reading about all these negative things happening all around us.

Ever wonder why our youth are resorting to stealing, mugging, hijacking instead of running after opportunities? When were they even able to sit down and have a loving conversation with their parents?

I am reading about parents that are lining up at food banks despite being full time employed. I am reading about grocery providers “price gouging” the consumers. I’m reading about parents that are working so much that their kids barely see them.

Poverty is the #1 cause of any of these things happening. How can a person be full time employed and need to access food bank? How can our taxes/expenses go up, while people who sell essential things are charging an arm and a leg. We are artificially creating poverty, and it’s leading to increased in crime.

When society, especially the youth of the society, prospers, we all prosper together. Humanity should be part of business. However, profit loss statement is all it has become. and it is a big loss for all.

#4 Plan ahead and fix things, or someone else will plan for you

Recently I had to deal with emergency water tank replacement. It was one of the most expensive maintenance task at nearly $4000.

However, I was looking at ways of getting it done within $2000. I had to pay double the price, because I wasn’t willing to take care of it much earlier. I didn’t plan ahead, so a plan was made for me. I just have to eat such a cost.

#5 Good people are rarer than water in a desert

I have been lucky. When I moved to Calgary, I moved to a neighbourhood full of amazing people. When I first moved here, my furniture was few weeks behind me. I immediately was allowed to borrow tables, chairs etc.

It made our lives much easier for the short period of time I had to live without furniture.

I have been very lucky to find the rare good people as my neighbours. When you find people like that around you, treasure them. Be thankful for them. Their existence in your life is a blessing beyond compare.



Shameer Hasan
Readers Hope

Software developer in Calgary with life experiences to share.