8 Tips to Supercharge Your Memory Game

Active learning to mnemonic mayhem- Boost your recall potential

Dr Femy
Readers Hope
4 min readSep 6, 2023


Do you ever wish you had a photographic memory?

I always did, especially when I was around a few friends who could effortlessly recollect the tiniest details discussed in the lecture classes.

The ability to memorize information or everything we read is undoubtedly a valuable skill, but how do we achieve it?

girl with a book covering her face
Photo by Siora Photography on Unsplash

Let’s see the 8 practical tips I adopted that helped me achieve this skill and that can help you enhance your memory retention whether you are a student trying to ace exams or a working professional trying to excel in your field.

#1 Shake off passive learning: Have you tried filling a water balloon with a hole in it? Passive learning is more like that. When you are in a class or meeting try to listen to the speaker attentively. Make a note of important points being discussed. Be an active learner.

I would summarize the contents at the end of the class and make a note of it and yup it works like magic to remember better. Not just while listening to the lecture but even when you read your books squeeze every drop of knowledge that’s on that page and highlight the key concepts.

#2 Read out loud: Have you heard of the Feynman technique? Named after Richard Feynman, a Nobel laureate in physics, this technique revolves around the idea of explaining concepts in simple language to a child.

As you explain you may identify some gaps in your understanding for which you would have to review the topic again and repeat the process of explaining to a child but this time with better clarity.

teach a child
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

I always loved teaching and this trick has helped me so much in this memory retention game.

What I do is, once I am done studying a topic, I teach my imaginary class sitting in my room. Explaining the material out loud has helped me deepen my understanding of the subject and thereby increase my memory. So, this one is a must-try!

#3 Create a magic movie: Try to picture what you read. I would create mental images or even movies in my head. This is when the mind meets magic.

As a medico when I read about diseases, I would think of my imaginary patient coming with those symptoms, and what I would do in that scenario!

Yes, playing many episodes of my own version of Grey’s Anatomy in my head always made wonders and helped me remember so many topics in medicine😉

#4 The power of chunking: Ever tried to swallow a big donut in one bite? This question brings me to the next point: breaking down complex topics into bite-sized information. This helps to grasp the topic more easily thereby reducing cognitive overload.

Also, if you are someone like me with a shorter attention span, you could read for a shorter duration and take a break. I would read for 25 minutes and take a break for 5 minutes. This helps me to give my 100% during the reading session and I am not burnt out as I would if I had read without a break.

#5 Dive into mindful learning: Picture this: You have gathered all the motivation to study a topic and you hear your phone beep nonstop… ah! The distractions!

Learn to tune them out for good. By doing this I have been able to focus better during my study hours. Yes, buddy! Laser focus for straight 25 minutes.

Photo by Nubelson Fernandes on Unsplash

#6 Mnemonic mayhem: Create mnemonics, mind maps, or flow charts. These little tricks would give my brain a memory boost.

#7 Spaced repetition: Yes, that’s the name of the game. It’s a learning technique where you review your study material over time at increasing intervals.

Instead of exhausting your brain cells in one go, revisit the notes after a few days. Reading and repeating what you have already read strengthens memory retention.

#8 Teach and share: Teach your friends what you have read, make study groups, and quiz each other. Engaging in such discussions has always helped me better grasp the subject matter.

By adopting these techniques, you could make significant improvements in memory retention just as I did.

But never forget, a healthy body is also crucial for a healthy mind. Staying hydrated, eating nutritious food, regular physical exercise and of course quality sleep are also essential for a good memory.

Do you have any other tips that I have missed? What are the memory booting strategies you follow to make your learning easier? Do share your insights!



Dr Femy
Readers Hope

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