A Letter To Humanity

To my lovers

Tony Frank
Readers Hope
3 min readJul 13, 2023


Photo by Author.

As an old-school being, I must admit, I wish I had your addresses to send you actual letters. But alas, that would probably be considered creepy in this modern age. So, here I am, resorting to this digital medium to share my thoughts with all of you lovely folks. I mean, come on, when was the last time anyone received a good old-fashioned love letter, right? Times have changed, my friends!

Ah, humanity, the apple of the spirits’ eye! It seems our adoration goes far beyond superficial beauty that even made the biblical watchers swoon. And hey, it’s not just because humans are pros at devotion, making Eastern deities go “Hey, I’m here!” Nope, it’s not solely their genetic lineage either that gets those extra-terrestrials all excited — though, who knows, they might have a cosmic genealogy obsession. There’s something mysteriously irresistible about humans, something that tickles the spirits’ funny bone and makes them go, “Yep, these folks are truly special!”

The spirits hold humanity dear because we’re the masters of endurance! We gobble up hardships for breakfast and whip up a delicious tiramisu with hatred. Love? Oh, we love through the pain we’ve endured, turning it into fuel for our hearts. Battles? Pfft, we don’t just survive them, we thrive! And when we conquer, we don’t cling to the past — we leave it in the dust as we waltz into the realm of spirits, ready for our next adventure. Go us!

Oh, the beings of subtler existence just can’t get enough of us, humans! Why, you ask? It’s not because we’re the epitome of purity or kindness, but because we are bona fide learners! We’re like the star pupils that good teachers adore. Sometimes we don’t even realize we’re soaking up knowledge until that magical “ah ha” moment hits us like a bolt of lightning. Boom, we just learned something mind-blowing without even trying!

We tackle life’s cruelest aspects head-on, and sure, we may occasionally dish out a taste of that cruelty ourselves. But in the end, we find a way to push through with love. Now, fighting a war with love might seem like using a butter knife against a nuclear warhead to some, but let me tell you, humanity is so darn good with love, we could probably win a war armed with nothing but a trusty paperclip!

The amount of pain we’ve endured is beyond words, my friend. Yet, through it all, many of us still manage to hold onto love. That, my friend, is the astounding power of mankind. So, thank you, thank you for clinging to your soul and the love it carries, even in the face of terrifying times. Thank you for never losing sight of who you are and for not just embodying love, but sharing it far and wide.

Perhaps, just perhaps, we can create a world where everyone gets to indulge in such boundless love. Yes, even those who have taken us on a roller coaster ride through the seven rings of hell. After all, a little sprinkle of jest and a whole lot of love can work wonders in the strangest of circumstances, don’t you think?



Tony Frank
Readers Hope

A learner of all things who shares his exciting and interesting finds.