A Quest for Love

S M Hasnain
Readers Hope
Published in
Mar 25, 2024
Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

O river of beauty and radiance! Grant me a scintilla of light;

Grant me eyes full of laughter and lips of delight.

For this minor heart of mine, I seek a beloved souvenir;

O river of beauty and radiance! Grant me a scintilla of light.

For this pitch-dark sorrow’s manor, a glowing grain to quell the night;

Grant me eyes full of laughter and lips of delight.

For this rapture and its yearning, grant me a dear beloved’s sight,

Indulge me with your greater love; grant me your gracious face’s pride.

For this being’s withered garden, I seek a covenant of spring,

I don’t ask you to grant me heaven; I’m not seeking Sinai’s height.

Let this dream’s very breath and time point to its interpretation,

Grant me the bosom of a fakir, and a heart with shah’s elation.



S M Hasnain
Readers Hope

Passionate writer exploring politics, religion, poetry, society, art, literature, and culture intricacies.