AI generated image of an author sitting on a balcony going through his notes
Amazon KDP author living the life. Midjourney.

Amazon KDP Now Needs You to Disclose AI Usage

And that’s a good thing

Readers Hope
Published in
3 min readSep 23, 2023


I have several books published on Amazon. For the last one I created a cover with DALL-E and then heavily edited it. Everything else I ever published is 100% me. In some recent changes on Amazon they asked me to update my book info.

I had to disclose AI usage on images (like the cover and within the book), the text itself and translations.

I had to choose from “single image created with AI and slightly edited” to “many images created with AI and not edited” and some things in between. Same for the text. “AI used for research” or “AI used for translations”, “heavy use of AI” and then several levels of “severity” of it.

I have yet to find a public notification for readers about the use of AI in a book or on the product pages. But it looks like Amazon is finally doing something against the mega loads of garbage Chat-GPT-written books flooding KDP, further reducing the chance of being seen for serious authors who chose self-publishing.

I can imagine that they eventually will add a clearly visible note if a book contains too much AI content, since many customers have been burned buying garbage AI generated books and that’s bad for business. For everyone involved.



Readers Hope

Hailing from Austria, a self-employed graphics designer and writer since 2009. Loves long walks in the forest, rain, thoughtful solitude and silly raccoons.