How to Be Happy, Being Alone.

Nicola Farnhill (Connectedtoself coaching)
Readers Hope
Published in
3 min readMay 25, 2024


Photo by Tim Bogdanov on Unsplash

I used to be extremely uncomfortable being alone. I remember being anxious when leaving friends after a night out, or even a day. After having laughs over lunch, or an adventure.

A lot of the time, I couldn’t put into words what I was feeling, Because I had no explanation, for the emotions that would rise, as I stepped away. And because I was ashamed.

I felt like a child, in those moments. A needy child, who wanted to cling on, but I didn’t. I suppressed my needs as an adult, who had a fearful child inside her. A child who had suffered abandonment and who had no explanation for it.

Only the one she had made up, of course. The one, she had to make up, because she hadn’t lived long enough to have a catalog of answers for life’s occurrences.

The suppression and the skewed explanation for how she was feeling, didn’t help. They made things worse until she started looking for answers.

Because what she felt like and how she behaved did not portray that of an adult. So she had to change and seek the truth.

If you have struggled with being alone, you likely have an inner dialogue, an explanation for something that happened, that isn’t true.

So, to change your experiences, you have to find the truth and also befriend your inner child, and develop a…



Nicola Farnhill (Connectedtoself coaching)
Readers Hope

Therapist,Life coach and writer that helps people to heal,reconnect to their authentic self and move from surviving to thriving in life,love,joy and abundance.