Becoming Consumed by Social Media

My experience

Jomar Fonseca
Readers Hope
2 min readOct 14, 2022


Photo by Rui Silvestre on Unsplash

Lately, I haven’t been doing well. I recently left my job about a week ago because I felt uninvited and looked down upon.

Even though it was a part-time job it’s difficult when the general manager has no respect for you considering you’ve done nothing wrong.

I didn’t want to work in an environment where I didn’t feel appreciated. Leaving that job led me to constantly use social media without doing anything else.

I didn’t get another job after because I thought it would be great for me to take a small break for myself. Little did I know social media was about to consume my life and cause me to be unproductive.

I enjoy creating content on social media, I soon became obsessed with looking at analytics and feeling like the type of content I was putting out there was not reciprocated to me in any type of way.

Then came the feeling of being unmotivated soon followed by me endlessly scrolling on social media without doing anything productive in the real world.

I’m thinking of finding another job even though I didn’t want to but I wanted to give Medium a try, it always felt like a comfortable place for me to go vent.

Being on social media it kind of makes me feel like I have to constantly compare myself to others in the online space even when I try not to.

I’ve taken a break from social media before and I think I may need another. I first want to see how creating content will go first and I’ll go from there.

I took a break from Medium because I wanted to focus on other things. Although, it has always been an interest of mine to write and share it with others.

Thank you to Reader’s Hope for allowing me to have a platform for my writing!



Jomar Fonseca
Readers Hope

Loved writing ever since I was younger now, and I’m excited to share my writing with others. Love coffee. Okay, I’m done. I think.