Thought vs. Action

Starting the day on the right footing

Readers Hope
3 min readJun 5, 2023


Photo by Nik Shuliahin 💛💙 on Unsplash

Today is a new day. The past is gone, the future yet to come. We all have a number of decisions that we can make on any given day, and those decisions influence the course of our lives. But is there more to it than that?

Thoughts vs. Actions

A lot of emphasis these days is placed on action. Take action in the here and now, don’t think just do. I think these sentiments have their place, but I think there’s something missing in the equation.

The thousands of thoughts we have each day heavily influence our actions, which ultimately influence the world around us. We can decide each day the ways in which we’re going to talk to ourselves, how we’ll respond to stressors, and the ways in which we’ll respond to our loved ones and strangers alike when we’re anxious or uncomfortable.

While everything is a choice and demands action, it’s the few seconds preceding the choice that seems to matter the most. And while these few seconds are certainly important, I’m finding that the proper thoughts and self-talk in the morning — before we’re ever exposed to an external stressor — have had the most profound effect on me. Those initial thoughts set the tone.


On the days where I can’t seem to drag myself out of bed, it’s the initial positive self-talk that has helped me hop out, put on my gym clothes, and sip that cup of cold coffee (brewing it fresh just gives me the opportunity to talk myself out of going), and head towards the gym.

As a side note, I find beauty in having a set of clothes specifically dedicated for the gym. It creates separation from the rest of your wardrobe. It’s defined by a specific purpose. It’s a uniform, and it reduces the barrier to entry.

We all need goals, dreams, and aspirations. We need an ideal. Those ideals, and the people who represent them, allow us to envision a world in which we could achieve the same feats or enjoy the same X, Y, or Z. If you don’t have goals, dreams, and aspirations life seems to be aimless. It seems to be coming at you, not from you. There doesn’t seem to be an end to the misery and the constant flow of stressors that you just can’t seem to get a handle on.

When you have your why, things change. The stressors seem like opportunities. The day-to-day (even though it’s not where you want to be) has a purpose and a reason for existing. There’s meaning.

Be grateful in spite of your suffering.

This a great line from Jordan Peterson, but adopted from Viktor Frankl.

Here and Now

Today was one of those Mondays. I had no interest in getting up to go to the gym, but I have a goal in mind. I have individuals counting on me, and I owe it to them (and myself) to tackle the day with ferocity. I know that the gym isn’t the only way I’m going to achieve that goal, but I know it’s a small step that helps me towards it.

There are people that can directly benefit from those small sacrifices. The small sacrifices compound.

You’ll serve as an example. The people you once emulated may even take notice.

In my estimation, all this and more can begin with a simple affirmation in the morning. A simple thought that precedes any true action you take. It sets the tone and makes the rest of your constructive thoughts and subsequent decisions that much easier to make.

I’m worthy of my goals. I deserve more than I’m giving myself. The world would be a better place if I got my act together.

