Craig’s Journey: Rediscovering Life’s Wonders Through the Octopus

The Fascinating World of Octopuses: A Tale of Intelligence and Survival

Jason Toh
Readers Hope
3 min readMar 5, 2024


Photo by Diane Picchiottino on Unsplash

Within the depths of Earth’s oceans resides a peculiar creature, the octopus, renowned for its remarkable ability to perfectly blend into its surroundings and surpass other animals in cognitive prowess. Even when confined within a sealed container, this creature can utilize its eight tentacles to unscrew lids and escape to freedom, showcasing its ingenuity and adaptability.

Meet Craig, a naturalist, who stumbled upon this extraordinary creature while diving amidst dense seaweed forests. Amongst a collection of shattered shells lay an enigmatic entity, which abruptly dispersed to reveal an octopus darting out from within. Intrigued, Craig embarked on a journey to observe and document the octopus’s behavior.

He discovered that octopuses not only camouflage themselves with seaweed cloaks but also swiftly change color to blend seamlessly into their surroundings. Their mimicry extends to emulating rolling seaweed, demonstrating their mastery in deception and adaptation. Over the course of 26 days, Craig developed a bond of trust with the octopus, who began mirroring his movements, even extending its tentacles towards him in a gesture of familiarity.

However, an accidental mishap led to Craig dropping his camera, startling the octopus into a hasty retreat. Determined to reconnect with his newfound cephalopod friend, Craig meticulously charted the octopus’s habitual areas and embarked on an exhaustive search. After a week of intensive efforts, Craig reunited with the octopus, who displayed signs of recognition and affection, swimming around him and resting on his chest.

Delving into extensive research, Craig uncovered the astonishing truth about octopuses: possessing nine brains and exhibiting remarkable intelligence comparable to, if not surpassing, that of higher primates. They showcase tool usage and adaptive learning skills, epitomizing nature’s ingenuity.

During their encounters, Craig observed the octopus employing various hunting strategies, capturing swift lobsters with its net-like body or precision-drilling the weakest points in mollusk shells to inject venom, rendering prey defenseless. When faced with a larger predator, like a prowling shark, the octopus swiftly sought refuge amidst seaweed, adorning itself with shells and stones for protection, outsmarting its assailant.

Photo by David Clode on Unsplash

In a surreal encounter, Craig witnessed the octopus engaging in a battle of wits with a predatory shark, ultimately riding atop the defeated predator in a display of dominance before retreating unscathed. These experiences not only showcased the octopus’s tactical brilliance but also highlighted Craig’s reverence for life’s wonders.

As Craig observed the octopus mating and nurturing its offspring, he witnessed the cyclical nature of life, punctuated by moments of resilience and beauty. Through his journey, Craig not only glimpsed the octopus’s exceptional intellect but also rediscovered the awe-inspiring marvels of existence, reminding us to appreciate the beauty that surrounds us and the profound mysteries of life.



Jason Toh
Readers Hope

Writer on mindset, life, self-improvement, psychology, mental health, science, storytelling and etc