Daily Book Review from an 18-Year-Old

Day #9: The Study of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

by Gyson Dominic

Gyson Dominic
Readers Hope


Image by The Author

When someone chooses to say:

“I am what I am today because of the choices I made yesterday,”

Only then can they say: “I choose otherwise.”

One Thing I Learned

We must realize that we are solely responsible for our lives.

Only then can we choose to take our lives into the direction that we wish for it.


To take responsibility of our lives, is to not blame anyone else, not blame the circumstances we’re in, not blame our upbringing, but blame ourselves for where we are and all the negative things in our lives.

Because we have a choice!

We choose how we react to circumstances

We choose what we do every day

We choose our lives.

Nobody else does. Unless you want someone else deciding your life for you.

How To Apply

  • Take Responsibility for your life
  • Reflect on how you react to other people and certain circumstances
  • Would you like to change?
  • Take steps to better yourself and better your circumstances if that is what you choose to do.
Photo by Gabriel Barletta on Unsplash


Please don’t let anyone lead your life for you.

Take ownership, take pride, take responsibility for your life.

And proactively seek to improve it.

Stay Consistent

Stay Relentless

Be Virtuous

-Gyson Dominic

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Thank you for reading.



Gyson Dominic
Readers Hope

An 18-Year Old Writer who Loves to Learn. I Post Quality Articles about living an Effective Life.