Embracing Imperfections

Gratitude For Those Who Stay

Readers Hope
2 min readJun 4, 2024


Photo by Morgan Sessions on Unsplash

Lately, I’ve been pondering: why do I hate my mistakes? They serve a purpose and contribute to my growth, so why harbor bitterness toward them?

Admitting and acknowledging my mistakes is challenging, particularly for those whom I wish to shield from my flaws.

I experience embarrassment and disappointment when others witness my shortcomings.

It’s a common struggle, compounded by the fear that others may change their view of me upon learning about my mistakes.

A lot has happened in my life, mostly because of my choices, whether good or bad.

At 23, I once believed that high school was the beginning of everything.

But now I realize that my twenties mark the true beginning, where mistakes are made and lessons are learned.

I’m grateful for the people who have stayed and stood by me despite all the mistakes and consequences I’ve faced and am still facing.

I understand that it’s no simple task to stay with me, particularly given my complexity.

Yet, these individuals persist, their love unchanged.

This message extends gratitude to those who endure my complexities and remain by my side.

For anyone reading this, I hope you find your people.

It’s acceptable if some individuals distance themselves or depart from your life. Eventually, you’ll comprehend why their absence was necessary to make room for those who truly belong.

Photo by frank mckenna on Unsplash

