Ugo Okechukwu
Readers Hope
Published in
3 min readJan 14, 2024

The fuel we run on is emotion — energy in motion. This energy like every other can not be created nor destroyed but can be transformed from one form to the other - it obeys the law of conservation of energy.

Be aware of the charge you carry.

Sad, angry, depressed, happy, agile,… these are all different energies we can carry as human beings. It’s what differentiates us from robots.

Everything we do is based on the energy within us, how well we perform work, how long we stay motivated, how far we’ll push ourselves. This could be a bad or good thing. Positive energy helps us better ourselves, and stay happy and this vibe radiates into the environment as well as the people around it. The opposite happens when we carry negative energies, it sets us off on a path to self-destruction, just as it’s easier to destroy than to create so does the negative vibe radiate faster.

We exist in a realm of duality, so we must experience both sides of the energies. Like life, it’s not going to be balanced. One side must dominate, as much as we want good to prevail it doesn’t always. So how do we deal with the other side of it?

The solution.

1. Surround yourself with positive people.

This should be the most common solution in the market.

Pros - It gives you positive energies to tune to when you’re feeling low. You’re not always dependent on your energy alone.

Cons - Your energy is dependent on what your group carries. And the person who sets the pace is responsible for 80% of the charge, so the group is dependent on the leader.

2. Obey the law.

The law of conservation of energy allows transformation from one form to another. You can always change your frowns to smile, anger to motivation, sadness to happiness.

Pros - You decide what energy you want to be on.

Cons - It takes time to learn. It would help if you were delusional.

3. Disobey the law.

As the LCE states; energy cannot be created nor destroyed. You defy this and create energy that allows growth no matter what emotion you feel. I call this energy ‘droid mode’. It’s a state where you lock up your humanity and fuel your life with only discipline and will rather than emotion. Masters at their craft practice this solution, they show up and perform no matter what emotion they feel positive or negative. Mothers too use this energy to take care of their children, whenever there’s a lack of love.

Pros - Nothing can stop you.

Cons - You lose a part of yourself.

Choose your cross and bear the price.

Always, be aware of the energy you carry, it affects everything you are and do.

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