Face the World

A poem

Dr. Shamaima Irfan
Readers Hope


With trembling heart, I step outside,
Into a realm where shadows hide.
The world unfurls, a tapestry vast,
Where countless threads entwine and cast.

I gaze upon the bustling throng,
Their faces etched with hopes and song.
A symphony of voices, high and low,
A kaleidoscope of stories they bestow.

Some eyes flash bright with joy’s sweet gleam,
While others bear the weight of a heavy dream.
Laughter mingles with the sighs of pain,
A poignant dance, a bittersweet refrain.

Yet amidst the chaos, there’s a spark,
A flicker of hope that lights the dark.
For in the tapestry of life’s grand scheme,
Each thread holds a purpose, a hidden gem.

So let go of fear and dread’s oppressive sway,
Embrace the world’s beauty, come what may.
With open hearts and minds, we’ll find,
That unity and love forever bind.

Through laughter and through tears, we’ll navigate,
The labyrinth of life, both dark and great.
Together, we’ll unravel its mystic scroll,
And face the world, with hearts and souls made whole.



Dr. Shamaima Irfan
Readers Hope

RPh || Poetry writer || Author of Articles and Stories || Wordsmith extraordinaire.