Fake it till you feel it- the Unseen Dimensions of a Pretentious Smile

Ankur R Gupta
Readers Hope
Published in
4 min readSep 30, 2022
Credit to Pranav Kumar Jain (@peejayvisual) | Unsplash Photo Community

A real smile reflects joy within you, no two opinions about it. However, there is one more dimension of it, that can also add-on to your well-being. That is a pretentious or fake smile. Sometimes this smile works as goodness cookies that balance out your positivism even in adverse stages of life.

The common notion about a fake smile is mainly associated with deceit/sarcasm/flaunting. However, if we add one more dimension to it — “Situation or Circumstances” then one will start realizing the magnanimity of virtues a fake crescent brings to all of us. Thich Nhat Hanh, a Vietnamese monk, well describes the pretentious smile. He states that “your joy is the source of your real smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy”. And this part of the smile that sources joy is the unseen side of a pretentious smile.

Our brain does not differentiate whether it’s a real smile or a fake. Every time we smile, it releases the endorphins -the happiness hormones. A mere act of smiling can be therapeutic to your entire system. As it tricks the brain into perceiving that you’re happy and will release necessary hormones to uplift your spirit.

So, fake it till you feel it, as it could boost your mood when you’re feeling down. Here I’m not patronizing the pretentious smile over the real one. The real smile and its benefits are irreplaceable. Just suggesting the unseen dimensions of this smile when the real one seems far-fetched.

What are these unseen dimensions?

Give Hope

Giving hope through a smile is the best-unseen feature of a pretending smile that enriches the personality of both giver & taker. Doctor, the noblest profession on earth, can associate well with this. Our medical practitioners in the grimmest situation will always be wearing a smile as their smile gives HOPE to their patients. They know well unless they induce this positivity in a patient, even medicines will not work.

The outstanding positive attitude of our doctors facing the deadly situation of Corona with a smile gave us hope & power to fight many of us.

Any form of smile which gives hope is contagious in a good way. A friendly/ reassuring/ motivating/understanding smile that may not be real, but all masked up still can keep a spark of positivity alive in you and others.

build upon your resilience

Everyone must have watched a Netflix documentary- the 14 peaks: nothing is impossible. If missed, watch it. It’s a real-time story of a ferocious Nepalese mountaineer, Nirmal purja, who climbed 8000ft above 14 peaks at a record-breaking speed of just seven months. At one point in his expedition, he started losing his confidence to achieve the goal. He was a worried soul. But he decided to keep the pretentious smile intact in front of his teammates. It not only balanced the tempo of the teammates but Nirmal purja too.

The fake crescent set his brain releasing the happy hormones that relaxed him and paved the way for him to revitalize his energies & strategies on the right track to achieve his goal. His pretended smile converted into a real one (basic theory of fake it, till you feel it! came true here.)

Like this valiant mountaineer, many of us face a similar situation at our respective workplaces or homes too. However, the intensity of hardships and circumstances varies. But the basic rule remains the same for all. Overcome these tense moments by forging a smile to keep up the spirit of your teammates or people around whom you care for and especially you.

A smile keeps the elements of sadness and stress in hibernated form. Smiling in trouble and gathering strength from distress reflect the best out of you and build upon your resilience.

An Icebreaker

Another unseen dimension of this smile is it works as an Icebreaker. A friendly pretended smile conveys aloud then the silence. It breaks the Ice in situations where people are either hesitant to speak or done with voicing their thoughts as the argument is vexing everyone.

A pretentious understanding smile of agreeing to disagree makes a difference here. It breaks down the continuity of the situation (in this case, a tense one). Whether it’s a spouse, kids, friends, or teammates, the fake crescent sometimes is a blessing in disguise. Often, it’s a great initiator for a jump-starting broken line of conversation and most likely ends up winning or restoring the relations with a stronger bond.

However, Pretentious/fake smiles should not be an indispensable part of your behavioral pattern. This smile is a mere tool to uplift your moods. But if you think it will provide you with a solution without trying for one, that won’t happen. Moreover, considering this smile as an escape route or miracle from all problems will leave you in more grimmest circumstances.

Any form of smile is the open window of an opportunity to turn the situation and circumstances in your favor.

So, when things are difficult, smile by force. Don’t wait until you feel better. Fake it till you feel it, to keep a spark burning in you and others.



Ankur R Gupta
Readers Hope

An author, cybercrime intervention officer, a content creator and former Trainer in Human Resources. I write about parenting, mental health & self-improvement.