Fascinating Facts About Venus


Nedelcu Alina
Readers Hope
16 min readNov 8, 2022


Photo by SIMON LEE on Unsplash

Once a threshold level of greenhouse gases was introduced to the atmosphere, a runaway greenhouse effect resulted. In September 2020, it was hypothesized that there could be extant life now present in the environment due to the probable finding of an absorption line of phosphine in Venus’s atmosphere and the lack of any established method for abiotic creation. A further study either revealed no absorption line or that sulfur dioxide was actually the spectroscopic signal that had been mistaken for phosphine.

A large portion of the area is covered by a network of cracks and faults in this area. The absence of calderas and lava flow evidence is puzzling. Since Venus and Earth started cooling at roughly the same rate, its core is no less than partly liquid.

At her festivities, Venus’ sculptures and followers donned myrtle crowns. Myrtle was utilized in Cloacina’s purifying rituals before it was adopted into Venus’ cults; eventually, Cloacina’s connection to Venus’ sacred plant made her Venus Cloacina. Cloacina was the Etruscan-Roman goddess of Rome’s central sewer. The old, obscure goddess Murcia was changed into “Venus of the Myrtles, whom we now name Murcia” by Roman folk-etymology.

Mariner 2, launched on August 27, 1962, by an Atlas-Agena rocket, passed within roughly 34,000 kilometers of Venus and returned new, essential data on Venus’s interplanetary space and atmosphere. The pressure on Venus’ surface is tremendous; it is 90 times greater than on Earth. That is equivalent to the pressure of 1,600 meters (a mile) underwater. For even more context, consider that nuclear submarines may travel as far as 300 meters below the surface, whereas free divers only go as deep as roughly 20 meters.

Venus’ long-standing relationship with wine illustrates the linkages between alcohol, drunkenness, and sex, which are reflected in the adage sine Cerere et Baccho frigate Venus “ (loosely translated as “without meals and wine, Venus freezes). Figuring out the difference between the chubby and fruitful cult figures and the classical image of Venus has increased opposition to the language, even though the name of the specific deity is unknown. Venus was a prominent figure in various wine festivals. It was used in many ways, most famously by the Roman playwright Terence, perhaps by others before him, and until the early modern period. Still, Bacchus, who was associated with the early Roman wine god Liber Pater and the Greek Dionysus, was the Roman god of wine. On top of his theater on Campus Martius, he dedicated a temple to her in 55 BC. She held celebrations on August 12 and October 9 and maintained a shrine on Capitoline Hill.

The goddess was frequently depicted in public spaces and on coinage; because of this, her alluring image symbolized Roman supremacy across the whole empire. Venus was also commonly expressed in residential settings, and many instances may be discovered at Pompeii. Many were on display in gardens, which was appropriate given the goddess’ profound associations with fertility and greenery and her associations with joy. Individual commanders later associated themselves with the deity to ask for her aid in the war. Julius Caesar and his successor, Augustus, claimed genealogy from Venus through her son, the Trojan hero Aeneas. Phosphine is a relatively straightforward chemical that can only be created by living things and human action on EarthEarth.

Then, in April 2006, the European Space Agency’s Venus Express launched into orbit around Venus. Venus Express, outfitted with seven pieces of scientific equipment, provided the longest-ever observations of Venus’ atmosphere. Only with the development of spectroscopic, radar, and ultraviolet investigations have more of its secrets been exposed. Its essentially featureless disc offered little indication of what its surface may be like. Frank E. Ross conducted the first ultraviolet observations in the 1920s and discovered that ultraviolet images exhibited noticeable detail that was lacking in visible and infrared light.

The conditions are too extreme for the crew to attempt any landing or detailed atmospheric analysis on Venus. It has recently been discovered that Venus contains large vortices at both poles. This would enable researchers to test communication techniques in deep space that would be used on crewed missions with long communication delays to EarthEarth. It may then prepare us for a more challenging crewed voyage to Mars.

Around seven months after Venus reaches its peak prominence in the morning sky, it will slip behind the Sun. Around a year after it vanishes from the morning sky, it reappears in the evening sky.

Acidic crystals and sulfuric acid droplets floating in a gaseous mixture make up the clouds of Venus’ atmosphere. These spheres and crystals’ smooth surfaces effectively reflect light. One giant half of the explanation for Venus’s brightness is the sunlight’s reflection on these clouds. The Venus Life Finder missions, which are poised to launch a robotic space payload to Venus to look for indications of life in the planet’s atmosphere, are discussed by Prof. Sara Seager and Tom Metcalfe of NBC News. According to Seager, access to space is now more widespread and less expensive overall.

Similar to Mercury, Venus occasionally makes a meandering pass across the face of the Sun, known as a transit. Venus transits are far less common, whereas Mercury whizzes by the Sun every thirteen to fourteen years. The planet’s orbit is almost circular, although it is slightly tilted about the route EarthEarth takes around our star. This implies that the Sun, Venus, and Earth need help aligning in an ideal way. The planet may have even been habitable for up to two billion years after it formed, with liquid seas on its surface. Many scientists have started a marketing push for more robotic missions to Venus out of their fascination with what caused that change from cheerful to hellish.

The magnetic field of Venus is substantially less than the magnetic field of EarthEarth, as discovered in 1967 by Venera 4. Instead of an internal dynamo as in the Earth’sEarth’s core, this magnetic region is generated by the interaction of the ionosphere and solar wind. The small generated magnetosphere of Venus offers very little protection from cosmic radiation. Venus’s physical features’ longitudes are stated about the planet’s prime meridian.

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According to research, Venus was once a planet like EarthEarth where people might dwell. According to 2019 research by NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies, Venus may have maintained temperatures of between 68 and 122 degrees Fahrenheit for two to three billion years while having shallow waters on its surface. However, a resurfacing event around 700 million years ago released carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, transforming Venus into a dangerous, unfriendly planet whose air temperatures reach 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit. The European Space Agency launched the Venus Express orbiter in 2006. The spacecraft gathered the most convincing evidence of ongoing volcanism on Venus by tracking changes in sulfur dioxide levels in the atmosphere and seeing hotspots on the surface over six years.

Despite Mercury being closer to the Sun, it’s the most well-known planet in our solar system. Venus’s surface has an average temperature of 900 degrees Fahrenheit, which is hot enough to soften lead. The ground is reddish, covered in thousands of massive volcanoes and tightly compressed mountains.

The sunniest planet in our solar system, Venus, has a hostile climate and is covered with volcanoes. A molecule called phosphonate has been discovered on Jupiter and Saturn in addition to EarthEarth. According to scientists, it may emerge on Venus for highly brief periods in the planet’s climate, much as it does on EarthEarth.

A new era in the investigation of our nearest, yet vastly dissimilar, Solar System neighbor is about to begin, according to Günther Hasinger, the ESA’s head of science. “We might have a full research program at this fascinating planet properly into the next decade” with the recently launched NASA-led Venus probes. Early in the 2030s, ESA plans to launch the Venus mission. Because they substantially absorb light in the blue and ultraviolet wavelengths, unusual stripes in Venus’ higher clouds are known as “blue absorbers” or “ultraviolet absorbers.” They absorb a significant amount of energy, around half of the total solar energy the EarthEarth takes in.

They probably share the same rocky planetary building components, which means that their overall chemical compositions are also likely to be similar because they formed in the photovoltaic nebula. However, scientists now understand that the conditions on Venus’s surface and those on Earth’sEarth are quite unlike. Venus is so hot, dry, and in some other ways oppressive that it is impossible that life, as we know it on EarthEarth, could have evolved there. Understanding how Venus’ severe conditions developed is one of the scientists’ primary goals when studying the planet since it may provide important lessons about what drives environmental change on EarthEarth.

Venus Libitina connects Venus to Libitina, a patron-goddess of funerals and undertakers who became synonymous with death; “just later than 300 BC,” a temple was dedicated to Venus Libitina in Libitina’s grove on the Esquiline Hill. With a competition on September 26, Venus Genetrix (“Venus the Mother”) will be honored as the divine ancestor of the Roman people as well as the personal ancestor of the Julian lineage. This name is associated with an Aphrodite/Venus statue considered an icon. Venus received a present from prospective brides “before the marriage”; the reward’s type and time are unknown. While it is unknown where the offering is made, some Roman texts claim that females who reach puberty give their toys to the Lares instead of Venus.

Between 1978 and 1986, sulfur dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere decreased by 10, increased in 2006, and then decreased by ten again. This might imply that massive volcanic eruptions have raised ranges multiple times. Additionally, it has been suggested that volcanic activity may be the source of Venusian lightning (i.e., volcanic lightning).

Myrtle and roses have been used in bridal bouquets since Venus, the Roman goddess of love and sex, played a significant role in prenuptial ceremonies and wedding nights. Myrtle was not included in the wedding crown since marriage was not a seduction but a legal requirement under the control of Juno. Venus was also a patron of everyday wine consumed regularly by most Roman men and women due to its well-known seductive properties. Venus, myrtle, and everything masculine was forbidden and taboo in the rituals dedicated to Bona Dea, a goddess of female purity. The women euphemistically referred to the sacrificial wine during the ceremonies as “honey,” even though it was usually only presented to the Roman gods and men.

Due to its proximity and brightness, Venus is the brightest planet in the sky. Because of this, humans have been aware of it for as long as we have had our eyes fixed primarily on the atmosphere. The Magellan spacecraft was placed at a periapsis height of 294 km at 9.5 degrees in a near-polar elliptical orbit. Go 1101 The Galileo Orbiter spacecraft’s NIMS CUBEs are contained in this amount. It also includes index folders, software, and documentation to make retrieving the picture files on this drive easier.

It’s a cloud-covered planet with a love goddess as its namesake, often referred to as Earth’sEarth’s twin. The second planet from the Sun, our closest planetary neighbor, has a surface hot enough to melt lead. The environment is so dense that the Sun appears as only a thin streak of light from the surface.

A 2,400-mile-long metallic iron core makes up the majority of Venus’ innards. Basalt makes up most Venus’ crust, typically 6 to 12 miles thick. Venus and EarthEarth are occasionally referred to as twins because of their similarity in size, mass, density, composition, and gravity. Venus has a group that is around 80% of that of EarthEarth, making it somewhat smaller than our home planet.

To solve the many unsolved riddles of one of our nearest cosmic neighbors, the risks could be worthwhile. Extreme heat, stress, and corrosive substances make it difficult to get a probe to settle on the surface and live long enough to send back some electronic postcards. Similar challenges would need to be solved by future expeditions to Venus, which would undoubtedly rely on more reliable equipment. Based on experimental findings, the report hypothesizes how life may endure inside sulfuric acid droplets.

As the satellite’s mission ended in August 2014, controllers executed a month-long maneuver that sunk the spacecraft into the planet’s atmosphere. After completing the risky task safely, Venus Express was sent into a higher orbit, where it remained for several months.

This material most likely formed using a similar process as snow but at a much greater temperature. It ascended in gaseous form to higher elevations, where it would precipitate since it is cooler there and was too dangerous to condense on the surface. Although the exact identity of this material is unknown, theories have included anything from steer sulfide to elemental tellurium. The scientists speculate that by releasing enormous volumes of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, synchronous LIP eruptions over the preceding few lots of tens of millions of years may have caused a runaway greenhouse effect. Due to the drying, the planet’s surface may have entered a new interior-surface dynamics regime, with recently discovered basalts — which are still visible on Venus today — serving as an effective oxygen sink. Venus always lies close to the ecliptic, a line that runs through the sky.

Any known non-living processes could not easily explain the existence of phosphine on Venus. However, the discovery was not without debate, with some scientists suggesting that the detection may have been false or that phosphine may have been produced on Venus by some unidentified method. Additionally, ESA intends to launch its Venus-exploring EnVision mission in the 2030s.

The larger of the two highland regions, about the size of South America, is the southern continent known as Aphrodite Terra, named after the Greek goddess of love. Even without the temperature, pressure, and lack of oxygen, this alone would make it challenging for a human to walk through what water on Venus evaporated as the temperature climbed, generating a thick layer of whirling cloud that retained additional heat and contributed to the planet’s hostile environment. Instead, carbon dioxide levels increased until they made up 95% of the atmosphere. Venus shines so brightly and conspicuously during these situations that it overtakes the Sun and Moon.

The hollow at the navel may have been caused by a limonite concretion that was damaged off and was a characteristic based on its size. Additionally, the navel limonite concretion may have been removed on purpose if we see a more extensive, longer furrow to the right of the navel and a smaller, shorter fold to the left, both of which are inclined downward into the pit. This is precisely what one would expect if the burin had been used to reduce the thin, holeless, ooid shells.

Additionally, these practical chemical cloaks would absorb potentially harmful ultraviolet light and reradiate it as visible light. Venus was the first planet to be studied by a spacecraft; on December 14, 1962, NASA’s Mariner 2 successfully sailed by and scanned the cloud-covered world. Since then, several US and foreign spacecraft have studied Venus, including NASA’s Magellan, which used radar to survey the planet’s surface. Most spacecraft to land on Venus’ surface has been Soviet, but they didn’t last long due to the planet’s intense heat and crushing pressure.

According to some Latin mythology, Cupid was the child of the battle deity Mars and Venus. Venus was sometimes perceived by Mercury as the partner of Vulcan or as the mother of the “second cupid,” depending on related mythologies and theologies. Venus appears to Aeneas in Virgil’s Aeneas as the morning star, gleaming brightly before him in the sky during the day. Later, Venus raises Caesar’s spirit to heaven. Venus arrived at Rome because she “wanted to be worshipped in the city of her particular progeny,” according to Ovid’s Fasti. Octavian is partnered with Venus, Neptune, and Minerva in Virgil’s epic portrayal of the long-term emperor’s triumph at the sea battle of Actium. The fight is lost by Octavian’s adversaries Antony, Cleopatra, and the Egyptians, who are helped by strange and ineffective Egyptian gods resembling “barking” Anubis.

It is a minor planet located within 47° of the Sun. Although the earth may be seen in broad daylight, it is easier to view when the Sun is low in the sky or setting. Most Venusian floor alternatives have the names of real-life or mythical women. The highland regions of Alpha Regio, Beta Regio, and Ovda Regio are exceptions. Maxwell Montes, which bears James Clerk Maxwell’s name, is another.

The two traditional Greek names continued to be used, albeit they were typically translated to Latin as Lucifer and Vesper. By the Roman time, they had been recognized as a single celestial object, frequently referred to as “the star of Venus.” Radar scans in the 1970s first exposed the Venusian surface’s details. The 300 m radio telescope at Arecibo Observatory was used to fire pulses of radio waves toward the planet. The echoes showed two highly reflective regions, the Alpha and Beta regions. The observations also revealed the Maxwell Montes, a shining area ascribed to mountains. These three characteristics are the only ones on Venus without feminine names. According to Ptolemy’s second-century astronomical work Almagest, Mercury and Venus are both situated between the Sun and the EarthEarth.

Each lure on the plant has limited openings and closings before it expires and falls off. Although the Venus flytrap’s exact longevity is unknown, it has been predicted that it might live up to 20 years and possibly more. Thigmonasty, a nondirectional plant response to being touched, describes this kind of movement.

The surface of a planet absorbs some of the sunlight and reflects the remaining. On November 27, 2021, Tim Jones observed Jupiter, Saturn, and Venus in Chelford, Cheshire, England.

Venus transits occur when the planet’s inferior conjunction and position inside the plane of Earth’sEarth’s orbit coincide. Venus was known to the Greeks as Phosphorus and Hesperus and to the Romans as Lucifer and Vesper. Only later, when further observations were made and its orbit was established, neither nation realized that the supposed two stars they had been referring to were one body.

The clouds also bear signs of gravity waves, meteorological occurrences brought on when winds pass over geological structures and cause rises and falls in the air layers. The winds near the planet’s surface move far more slowly; they are thought to travel at just a few kilometers per hour.

Venus is a half-circle when it is conspicuous in the morning or evening sky. For this reason, the day when Venus is at its most significant distance from the Sun sometimes differs from the day at its zenith during sunset or dawn.

Since Venus was the planet that shined the brightest of the five that ancient astronomers were aware of, it is possible that it was named after the most attractive deity in the Roman pantheon. However, Venus was referred to as Aphrodite in all Greek city-states. Venus typically travels 108 million kilometers around the Sun in its orbit or over 0.7 times the distance between Earth and the Sun. The Soviet Union’s successful landing of 10 probes on Venus only resulted in transitory success, even among the few probes that were able to operate after landing — the longest survivor lasted two hours, and the shortest, 23 minutes. Photos taken before the landers died show a bleak, dark, and rocky terrain with a sky that is probably some shade of sulfur yellow.

To establish how much water Venus’ seas contained and how long they were present, the probe will accurately measure hints of gases in Venus’ atmosphere. Without radar, it is impossible to observe Venus’ surface due to its dense clouds. Radar was employed by NASA’s Magellan spacecraft, which was launched in 1990, to map Venus’ floor at the greatest resolution to date. Magellan discovered that the planet’s impact craters were all created over the previous 700 million years.

Due to its proximity to the Earth, Venus has the giant disk of all the planets when viewed through binoculars or a telescope, with a maximum diameter of 66 “lower conjunction. Over the year, the ecliptic’s inclination to the horizon changes, affecting how high planets near the Sun appear in the sky. Venus travels far more quickly from the evening sky to the morning sky than it does the other way around. This is due to Venus’ orbit being so close to our own, which causes the most significant elongation factors to occur far closer to inferior to superior conjunctions. Tables of data constellations listed examples of sunrise and sunset times after sunset, Ephemerides rising and setting events, and The Moon’s phases conversion of time zones. When are the time changes?

The phosphine was primarily found in mid-latitudes and at least 30 miles above the surface; it was not found at the poles. According to NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine, the finding of phosphine is “perhaps the most significant development yet in establishing the case for life outside Earth,” He publicly called for a renewed focus on the Venus study. The “Evening Star,” which is visible after sunset, transforms into the “Morning Star,” which is seen before daybreak, as it accomplishes this.

The next time Venus will pass in front of the Sun will be in 2117; the last time we saw it was in 2012. That could imply that days on Venus occasionally exceed years. The interval between sunrises is only roughly 117 Earth days due to Venus’ peculiar retrograde revolution. UV radiation from the Sun swiftly drained water throughout the planet’s development, keeping Venus in a persistent molten state. There is currently no liquid water on its surface because the intense heat produced by its ozone-filled environment would cause water to boil away immediately.

Photo by Daniel Olah on Unsplash

The intense carbon dioxide atmosphere on Venus prevents infrared rays from escaping back into space, which is a significant cause of the planet’s scorching temperatures, along with the incident seen and the infrared spectrum from the Sun. Due to a runaway greenhouse effect that causes the temperature on the planet’s surface to more than double, these temperatures resemble something more akin to a roaring inferno. The surface temperature fluctuates from roughly 820 degrees to about 900 degrees Fahrenheit. Lead may melt at the typical surface temperature of 847 degrees Fahrenheit.

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